Origin of the name Mars

The name Mars, with its roots, takes us to Ancient Italy. It was worn by the ancient god of Rome. He was famous among the residents as the patron of fertility, livestock and spring. But, having an unpredictable character, Mars could either protect crops and herds or destroy them. Fearing his wrath and wanting to please the idol, the Romans named the first month of the calendar March. In March, rituals to banish winter were performed.

Over time, Mars developed a militant disposition, and he changed his occupation – from now on he took under his wing the warriors gathering on the battlefield. Before the battle, he collected sacrificial gifts, and on his campaigns he was accompanied by his faithful comrade and wife, the goddess of war Bellona. He was not afraid of death; according to legend, he owned three lives.

The sign of Mars was the spear – regin, which was kept in the king’s home. Twelve shields were also hidden there. They were proclaimed as the guarantee of the invincibility of the people.

One of the planets in the solar system is named after this deity. It was named for its fiery red coloration. The color of struggle and blood, what Mars patronized.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Mars

In past centuries, they were named based on a person’s temperament and personal qualities. Translated from Latin, Mars means “combat”. This inhabitant of the Roman Olympus was also given such sonorous epithets as “irreconcilable”, “winner”, “expanding the empire”.

The owner of the nickname is seen as strong, brave, and powerful. The reality is not always like this, but still the name leaves an imprint on the inner world of its owner. Especially something as loud as Mars.

The character of the bearers of the name is firm, strong-willed, and confidence emanates from them. Mars are quite explosive, but their inherent cool mind helps them stop in time.

Purposefulness leads strictly forward, while they do not take other people’s opinions into account. Rarely enter into close friendly contacts. They trust only after knowing the identity from all sides.

Mars people begin to show creative abilities from childhood. Excellent drawing and design. They are distinguished by their rich imagination and love to tell stories of their own creation to others. The absence of friends does not sadden them; they are able to occupy themselves with interesting things.

The vital energy of Mars does not allow them to mark time. Having finished what they started, they immediately begin something new. Full of ideas and projects, they try to implement them to the maximum. Decisions are made individually, but they also take full responsibility upon themselves. Therefore, success is often achieved alone. Good strategists, anticipating profitable moves. The main motive for action is the desire for independence.

Mars are proud and even vain, and have a tendency toward narcissism. They put themselves above others, but disguise themselves under a mask of icy politeness. They react to grievances immediately and directly, considering it beneath their dignity to come up with ways of revenge. They know how to hide feelings. Generous, but only for their own benefit.

Mars is ready to love deeply and reverently, but is very picky about choosing a companion. It must meet his requirements both in appearance and spiritual content. Relationships are complicated by the desire to dominate. But if Mars finds a suitable partner, he is ready to idolize.

Name days:

March 30, May 11

Diminutive version

Marsik, Marsyusha, Marsyunchik, Marsyulya



According to the church



  • blue
  • bronze


  • Venus


  • fire

Stone talisman






Totem animal


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