- History of the origin of the name Mark
- The meaning and characteristics of the name Mark
- Character Traits of the Name Mark
- Mark’s family and love relationships
- Choice of profession, business, career Mark
- Health Mark
- Name Mark for baby
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Mark
The roots of the name lie in ancient Italy, from where, thanks to the expansion of Rome, it penetrated into the Eastern Mediterranean, Asia Minor, Judea and North Africa.
Among the Latins it was part of a complex double name. It was worn by Emperor Marcus Aurelius, philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero, triumvir Mark Antony and others. Probably originally used as a generic.
At the dawn of Christianity, it was in demand in Palestine: the apostles of Jesus, the first saints, did not allow it to get lost in the past. The name successfully passed to Byzantium, Western Europe, Rus’ and spread across the globe.
Abroad it was transformed into countless varieties: Markus, Marko, Markas, Markos, Marek, Marku, Markko. In Russia, diminutives include variations: Markusha, Markusya, Masya, Mara, Maka. There is no female analogue; more precisely, similar names found among some peoples – Marka, Markega – are not etymologically related to it.
In our country it was used infrequently, mainly for naming monks and spiritual dignitaries. The demand for it has arisen relatively recently and fashion continues to grow. Today it occupies 10-13 positions in the ranking of male names.
Among its famous owners: the king of the state of the Britons of Cornubia – ap Merion, the 34th Pope, Russian hierarchs, traveler Polo, writer Twain, painter Chagall, sculptor Antokolsky, directors Donskoy and Zakharov, actor and singer Bernes, test pilot Gallay, the famous programmer Zuckerberg, scientists Krivosheev and Volpin. The short list is only part of a huge galaxy of illustrious namesakes of one of the evangelists.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Mark
According to different versions, it is translated from Latin as “hammer” or “fading”, “dry”, “reserved”, “preserved”.
There is an opinion that it was formed on behalf of the god of war Mars, who was highly revered by the Romans and headed the pantheon of ancient deities. According to legend, the founders of the Eternal City, Romulus and Remus, descended from him. He embodied not only struggle, but also fertility, and the month of March was dedicated to him. In the residence of the monarchs, the regia, a spear was kept that supposedly belonged to this patron of fighters and personified the power of the empire.
According to the exotic theory, it originates from the French word “marquis” or phrases from other local dialects of the Old World, but there is no evidence for such hypotheses.
Its sound conceals courage, power, optimism and at the same time a share of coldness and heaviness. Abbreviated forms are muted and less expressive.
Its energy is powerful, uncontrollable, capable of being directed in a constructive or destructive direction.
The interpretation and phonosemantics of the name presuppose the presence of hardness, strength, and strong-willed qualities in the person who receives it. The manifestation of negative tendencies is also possible: stubbornness, vanity.
The planets Saturn and Venus, the constellation Virgo and Taurus answer him in astrology. Talismans – diamond, agate, porphyrite; symbol – yak; colors – yellow, red, white; plants – purslane, aralia; element – water.
Character Traits of the Name Mark
The mysterious nature of Mark is manifested in a set of contradictory features: egocentrism and self-sacrifice coexist in him; arrogance and sympathy; self-love and kindness; determination and uncertainty.
A lively, developed mind and amazing intuition are complemented by daydreaming, softening the negative aspects of his character. He hides the listed unpleasant qualities, as well as envy, psychological manipulation, and secrecy behind a mask of impeccable politeness and tact.
Mark is well-read, erudite, and is fascinated by unusual antiques. Pragmatism and prudence are sometimes replaced by fussiness, simplicity and apparent carelessness. He is sociable and pleasant to talk to. Needs attention and recognition.
The described subject triumphantly overcomes adversity and does not lose heart. He makes few true friends, is faithful to them, and is selfless. Avoids noisy companies, sometimes stays in solitude to collect his thoughts.
He values honesty in those around him, although he himself is not distinguished by deep morality. Mark adapts to circumstances, seeks benefits, and achieves a lot by cunning.
He is vain, strives for primacy, but changes the status of an open leader to the role of an informal leader.
He is passionate, he is irritated by defeats, failures, and other people’s superiority. He knows how to control anger. Activity and energy give an individual a solid position in society.
Slightly sentimental, but does not reveal his inner experiences to anyone.
Mark’s family and love relationships
The owner of the names is flighty, in his youth he starts dozens of novels, enjoying freedom. He treats women skeptically, listens to the arguments of reason until he knows the true feeling, so it’s too late to get married. Ladies adore him, but this gentleman does not trust them. If he finds a worthy beloved, he will never betray her.
He begins to choose a companion seriously, believing that divorce is a last resort. He is drawn to bright, spectacular ladies, smart and original. However, he realizes that marriage will not work with an ambitious, independent person. Ultimately, he enters into an alliance with a soft, flexible wife who recognizes his dominance and is ready to neglect her own interests for the sake of her husband. He carefully protects his friend, warms him with tenderness and care.
Mark is an exemplary family man and owner; peace and comfort in the home is important to him. Finds a common language with his wife’s relatives. Provides financially for loved ones, and desires return – obedience, sympathy and respect.
He loves children, but is too strict with them, despotic. Does not tolerate interference in the education process. Mutual understanding is established only with matured offspring.
This man is a sensual and impulsive lover. Increased sexuality causes impatience, but Mark is careful. To unlock his erotic potential, he needs to be convinced that he is satisfying his partner. Compares former and current favorites; does not support conversations on intimate topics.
Happy couples form with Anna, Galina, Maria, Anastasia.
Choice of profession, business, career Mark
Marks are born careerists. It is in work that all their inclinations, even controversial ones, are realized for the benefit of society. They devote themselves to work selflessly, striving for excellence in their chosen industry. They make excellent financiers, accountants, economists, and lawyers, because they are purposeful and responsible.
Based on his creative talents, Mark succeeds in the field of art: as an artist, composer, writer, artist, director. The abundance of ideas and eloquence lead him into politics. He often masters the field of medicine and research. He is no stranger to innovation and experimentation; he abhors routine and stereotypes.
The employee in question is patiently waiting for a promotion, as they say, slowly but surely approaching the goal. Promotion brings him wealth, without which he cannot imagine normal employment. I am sincerely happy about the moral motivation: awards, diplomas.
He does not conflict with colleagues and senior staff, but does not shun intrigue. Manages subordinates strictly and fairly.
The bearer of the name is an excellent businessman, he knows what is required for the prosperity of the enterprise, how to use resources and get ahead of competitors. If difficulties arise, do not be afraid to resort to the services of professionals, in particular outside consultants. Hard work, perseverance, scrupulousness and flexibility in decision-making accompany Mark in any endeavor.
Health Mark
The same name of great figures is strong and resilient, but prone to hypochondria, complaining of imaginary poor health, invented illnesses.
With age, ailments of the musculoskeletal system, kidneys, and nervous system are diagnosed. Susceptible to infections, he is recommended to strengthen his immune system, constantly move, and drink enough fluids.
Any sports, hiking, gardening initiatives in the countryside, dancing and swimming are suitable. Exercise lifts his mood and prevents depression and chronic fatigue syndrome.
It is advisable to introduce vegetables and fruits into the diet of such a person, especially melons and watermelons, which prevent the progression of urolithiasis.
Mark is recommended to visit the bathhouse, sauna, and warming procedures.
In general, he monitors his health, but intense exercise sometimes provokes insomnia and lethargy. Symptoms are eliminated by prolonged sleep, regulation of the daily routine, measured time spent, for example, devoting weekends to hobbies.
Name Mark for baby
As a child, Markusha does not hide his selfishness; he longs to be an idol for his parents. His father and mother will have to develop his independence skills, teach him to share and understand his peers. The baby cannot be pampered, relieved of minor responsibilities, bribed or compared with someone.
It is not superfluous to involve him in helping elders, to remind him of the examples of good fairy-tale heroes.
Gradually, Markusya outgrows selfishness and pleases her family with her sensitivity, exemplary school performance, quick wit and agility. Participation in clubs and amateur activities will have a beneficial effect on the development of a guy’s personality.
Alas, he jealously looks at his brothers and sisters; it is advisable to give a name to his only child.
It is in harmony with the patronymics Leonidovich, Antonovich, Zakharovich, Petrovich, Mikhailovich, Nazarovich, Ivanovich.
Suitable for those born under the signs of Libra, Aries, Leo and Gemini.
Name days are celebrated 41 times a year, the most significant dates being January 11 and May 8.
Name days:
January 11, January 15, January 17, January 27, February 1, February 23, February 27, March 18, March 23, March 24, March 29, April 11, April 18, April 25, April 28, May 8, May 27 , June 14, June 18, July 3, July 15, July 16, July 17, August 24, September 25, September 28, October 4, October 10, October 11, October 20, October 22, November 9, November 12, 22 November, December 5, December 7, December 10, December 31
Diminutive version
Markusha, Markusya, Martusya
Markuha, Mara, Maka
According to the church
- red
- Venus
- water
Stone talisman
agate, porphyrite
aralia, purslane
Totem animal