- History of the origin of the name Margarita
- The meaning and characteristics of the name Margarita
- Margarita’s character traits
- Family and love relationships of Margarita
- Choice of profession, Business, Margarita’s career
- Margarita’s health
- Name Margarita for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Margarita
The name “Margarita” comes from the ancient Greek word “margaritis” – pearls. In ancient times, on the islands in the Mediterranean Sea there were sanctuaries of the beautiful goddess Aphrodite. All sailors, both experienced and inexperienced, tried to appease their patroness with pearls in mother-of-pearl shells.
Many Christian churches are dedicated to Saint Margaret of Antioch. July 30 is the name day (angel day) of all girls named Margarita. Short forms of the name: Mara, Rita, Margot. Lucky color: green, blue, turquoise. The ruling planet is Venus.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Margarita
Straightforward and energetic, quick-witted and practical, a woman with this name will easily find a way out of any life situation. Sensitive and gentle, caring and sympathetic, Margot will always lend a helping hand to a friend or loved one. Margarita’s weaknesses are the inability to forgive insults, hot temper and willfulness.
Already in childhood, Rita has her own opinion on any issue. Realizing the importance of studying, she studies diligently in school.
Margot has a varied range of interests: she draws well, enjoys visiting the chess club and dance club. Girls with this name have an inclination towards music, painting, vocals, and dramatic art. If you develop Rita’s natural qualities, she may well turn out to be a successful actress or artist.
From a young age, Rita shows leadership qualities and always comes to the defense of the offended. A girl with that name is quite hot-tempered. As a teenager, Rita listens to the opinions of her parents. Her connection with her mother is especially strong; it is often difficult for a girl to find a common language with her father.
Margarita is straightforward, but the older she gets, the less she wants to engage in discussions and arguments. In adulthood, Margarita’s character becomes even more unyielding. It is almost impossible to convince her of anything. Rita does not like noisy parties and corporate events. She is more closed than open. Rita has innate intuition. Almost without thinking, he makes the right choice. Little Margot loves to dress up in bright outfits; as an adult, she dresses discreetly and tastefully.
Margarita’s character traits
Rita’s dreaminess and tenderness surprisingly coexist with firmness and determination. She may feel insecure inside, but outwardly she will seem unshakable. Margot knows how to distinguish sincerity from lies and think logically, which saves her in many situations. Margo takes failures hard and reacts sharply to criticism. Quickly getting used to being the first, she does not agree to another role. Rita loves to set her own rules of the game and manipulate others.
If Margarita is thoroughly angry, she can respond quite sharply. Margot values friendship and does not know how to adapt to someone. She carefully chooses her friends and girlfriends, not forgiving betrayal.
Family and love relationships of Margarita
A girl with this name is usually feminine and beautiful. Her ruling planet Venus gives Rita internal and external harmony. Rita loves to be in male company. Attractive and charming, she takes a long time to choose a worthy husband for herself.
When choosing a groom, Rita is guided by the principle: “Either everything or nothing.” Having gotten married, she is not very willing to run a household, but her house is always a “full cup.” Rita is a devoted and faithful wife. But being a housewife is not her calling; Margot prefers to build a career.
Choice of profession, Business, Margarita’s career
The following professions and occupations are suitable for women with this name: dressmaker, decorator, vocalist, dancer, gardener, screenwriter, translator, florist, jeweler, teacher, clothing store owner.
Sometimes women with this name also choose “male” professions, which are associated with frequent changes of environment. Rita feels great as an engineer, diplomat or financier. She can become a middle or senior manager – she has more than enough determination.
Margarita’s health
Since Margarita’s planet is Venus, the weak points of a woman with that name are the throat, skin, eyes and reproductive system. As a child, Rita is a very active, lively child, so parents need to always be on guard. Little Rita may suffer from diseases of the ENT organs; by adolescence, this problem goes away. Sometimes Margarita may experience a loss of strength and a weak immune system. In general, a girl or woman with this name is in fairly good health.
Name Margarita for a child
Rita grows up as an obedient child if her parents do not spoil her beyond measure. She does not come into conflict with children in the group and always tries to avoid a quarrel. She tries to solve problems that arise on her own; parents may not even know about them.
Rita is diligent, hardworking and knows how to think outside the box. Rita may not have had a leadership character as a child, but she will still not yield to anyone or anything. Rita is stubborn, but calm and self-possessed. Parents need to develop in their child the creative abilities that Rita has from birth.
Name days:
January 12, January 18, February 8, February 22, March 25, April 11, July 20, July 30, August 27, September 14, October 17, November 16, December 15, December 30
Diminutive version
Ritochka, Ritushka, Ritusha, Ritusya, Margaritka, Margosha, Margusha, Marusya
Rita, Ritulya, Ritunya, Ritosha, Margo, Mara, Tusya
According to the church
- violet
- Mars
- Venus
- water
Stone talisman
lapis lazuli, jade
pine, lily, daisy
Totem animal
pearl mollusk