Origin of the name Martha

Many people tend to mistakenly attribute the female name Martha to the Old Church Slavonic language. However, the origin of the name comes from the dialect of a dead language of the Aramaic group, which is now used as the liturgical language of a few Nestorian churches. The mystery of the name is inseparably connected with the biblical tradition from the New Testament. The name Martha was borne by the sister of the righteous Lazarus of Bethany, who received Jesus Christ in his home. Martha, together with her sister, became one of the myrrh-bearing women who anointed the body of the deceased Jesus with incense. The Greek letter “theta” was pronounced in ancient times as “th”, and in the Middle Ages as “f” (phyta). In Rus’, softer articulation was used, and Western countries inherited a more ancient pronunciation. It is for this reason that the modernized form of the name Martha sounds more delicate in our country than Martha, although they have the same origins.

The meaning and nature of the name Martha

The meaning of the name is translated as “mistress”, “mistress”, “mistress”. This interpretation of the name carries enormous potential for leadership. Indeed, a girl named Marfa will be very determined and self-confident. She has a somewhat tough disposition for a girl, and will prefer a group of boys to play with. She can contradict her parents and teachers; she won’t make a little au pair. Success in studies can only be achieved if this is the main goal for Marfa, because she can happily participate in various competitions and olympiads and attend various sections. Quick wits and personal wit will help Marfa make new friends throughout her life, and although she is quite straightforward and unbridled, with age the sharp edges will smooth out and she will leave the habit of constantly arguing and defending her authority by any means.

But Marfa’s health will never let her down, especially if she watches her weight. Yoga is recommended, which will give her the opportunity to become more balanced and calm, although Marfa herself is attracted to more active sports: skiing, mountaineering. She is always happy to go hiking or travel.

Marfa is a workaholic. The scope of her professional activity is very diverse: medicine, pharmaceuticals, linguistics, jurisprudence. He will never refuse the opportunity to go on a business trip or take on the mission of a mentor. She is able to build a dizzying career thanks to her perseverance and perseverance. Martha has a highly developed intuition, although she herself explains her successes with knowledge and common sense.

In her personal life, Marfa is very reserved, although in any company men will always pay attention to her, although in communication with them she is quite aggressive and harsh. She will be looking for an ideal partner for a long time, because she wants to start a family once and for all. Will never forgive betrayal. Her innate perseverance, hard work and discipline allow her to find the perfect balance between her status as a housewife and career growth.

Name days:

February 8, February 19, March 16, April 25, May 3, June 17, June 22, July 17, July 19, September 3, September 14, November 21

Diminutive version

Marfochka, Marfushka, Marfonka, Marfunya, Marfunka, Marfusha, Marfushka, Marfusya, Marfuska, Marfulya, Marfulka


Mara, Marta, Marusya

According to the church



  • Orange


  • Mercury


  • water

Stone talisman





Chestnut, chamomile

Totem animal


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