History of the origin of the name Malvina
The history of the appearance of the name Malvina in Europe has 3 versions:
- from Old Germanic;
- as a derivative of the Gaelic masculine name Melvin/Malvin;
- from Latin from the name of the plant mallow.
The name was widespread in the territories of Germany and Slavic countries. But the book “The Poems of Ossian” by James Macpherson, in which the heroine Malvina became a symbol of romanticism, gained such popularity that the name spread throughout Europe. Then many other literary characters named Malvina appeared. The name has become a popular stage name and self-designation for girls of easy virtue who choose sonorous names with a claim to luxury and nobility of origin. Then interest in the name in the West faded.
In Slavic countries: Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine, etc. There are many Malvinas. The name is especially popular in Poland. There are many Malvinas among the Caucasian and Central Asian peoples. In Russia the name is unique, extremely rare, because… has only one association with Malvina from the book about Buratino by A. Tolstoy. But the name does not deserve such neglect. It’s great that the fashion for rare names has stirred up interest in the name Malvina. Many parents now like this gentle and melodious name.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Malvina
The name Malvina has several meanings. Western culture is closer to Gaelic and Ancient Germanic. As the feminine form of the masculine name Melvin/Malvyn (“Mala mhin” is Gaelic for “smooth eyebrows”) Malvina means “smooth-browed.”
In Old German, the root “mālv’”/”melvin” is “weak”, “gentle”, so the name Malvina can be translated as “tender”, in the figurative meaning of “feminine”.
From the Latin “malva/malvae” – mallow, mallow, stockrose. Among the Eastern Slavs, the meaning of the name is of “flower” origin.
The name is not easy in terms of energy. Malvinas are quite active, open, feminine, and easy to communicate with. But there is a part of Malvinas who have a very developed creativity, intuition, dreaminess, where serious passions boil under the smooth surface, outbursts of emotions are possible. But in general, the name is calm and very convenient for women.
Little Malvina is everyone’s favorite: beautiful, charming, gentle, talented. He is not insolent, he is not disgraceful. At school, Malvina has two extremes: either a clear leader, a commander, but an average student, or a quiet and dreamy smart girl with her own mind. Both types are friendly, full of compassion for all living things, and passionate about something creative.
The profession will depend on your talent. If there is a gift, then Malvina will strive to realize it. If she’s just a beautiful girl, then she won’t bother with choosing a specialty; she can work simply for the sake of a salary, because she considers family and friends to be her self-realization.
In love, Malvina is not always immediately lucky. There are many fans, but she often chooses the wrong ones, although she is endowed with intuition. Rather, Malvina simply does not understand that someone can be dishonest, mean, rude, etc. Having filled her love cones, Malvina will learn to see the main thing in a man, trusting her heart, and not the words or bright actions of her suitors. The family will ultimately become for Malvina both a rear, a place of strength, and creativity.
Name days:
There are no saints with this name in Orthodoxy. You can baptize Marina, Maria, Melania.
Diminutive version
Malya, Malva, Mal, Malvinushka, Malvysha, Mally, Mina, Malvinochka, Mally, Wines, Musya, Malvusya, Malvinchik, Malvychcha, Alya, Malvushenka
Malva, Malya, Mel, Mally, Mally, Mina, Viny, Vinny, Alya, Musya
According to the church
- white
- silver
- Venus
- water
Stone talisman
tourmaline, lapis lazuli
ivy, mallow, linden
Totem animal