- History of the origin of the name
- Meaning and characteristics of the name Makar
- Character traits of the name Makar
- Family and love relationships of Makar
- Choice of profession, Business, career Makar
- Makar’s health
- Name Makar for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name
The name Makar is ancient Greek. In Russian translation it sounds like: happy, blessed or blessed. Initially, “happy and blessed” was a person who managed to meet God and trust him. That is why, in former times, parents often named their sons by the name Makar, predicting by this choice the future fate of the child.
Makar and Macarius are synonymous names. The difference is that Makar is a secular name, and Macarius is a church name. In ancient Greek myths you can find the phrase Zeus Makarios. It is not difficult to understand that this is how the writers endowed the Thunderer with the title “Happy.”
Meaning and characteristics of the name Makar
One of the most mysterious Makarov in Russian history was Makariy Zheltovodsky. He can be called blessed both literally and figuratively. He spent 83 years within the walls of the monastery, where, having become a monk, he renounced the world and devoted himself entirely to serving God. All his life Makar followed the strict rules of life in the monastery and never regretted it.
Makar can be affectionately called Makarushka, casually Makarka, or ironically Makarii. In the 21st century, it has become fashionable in many Slavic families to call born boys by old Russian names. Makar is one of them. But in the 20th century this name was extremely rare; such people could be counted on one hand.
Character traits of the name Makar
Makar does not know the fear of being caught in something, since he, firstly, is always honest with himself, and, secondly, is straightforward and fair towards other people. People named Makar are courageous, hardy and persistent. If a merciless fate hits them hard, they proudly rise from their knees and continue to live honestly and nobly.
Makars know no embarrassment or remorse. Fuss and nervousness are not for them. Calm on the outside, they are collected and steadfast on the inside. They achieve success in life through daily self-development and self-criticism, guided by the proverb: “A drop wears away a stone.”
For Makarov, life is not a storm, but a strong wind; not passions, but prudence and firmness; not heroism, but rationality and prudence. Self-confidence, subtle calculation and organization of any undertaking without risk to themselves and others help them to live with dignity. Makars are trusted and chosen as advisors and consultants.
People like the Makarov’s directness and their reluctance to adapt to the surrounding reality. If Makar promises something, he will definitely do it, even if not right away, but he will do it! A very good quality of people named Makar is absence of flattery. They are not capable of playing tricks or being cunning – they cut the truth straight from the shoulder.
Makars love to be in the center of events; everything new interests them. Power is sweet and pleasant for them, but they do not make a cult out of it. Sometimes they can be irritable and capricious, vindictive and vindictive. This is possible during a difficult period of their spiritual quest and frequent disappointments.
Family and love relationships of Makar
Makar chooses his life partner once and for all. He weighs the pros and cons for a long time before leading his chosen one down the aisle. Makar needs a wise wife who can worthily share his sorrows and joys. Makar cannot be pushed in the family; he does not tolerate major scandals or minor quarrels. A woman marrying Makar can be sure of a good marriage and a trusting relationship with her husband.
Makar is a caring father. He raises his children in the spirit of cooperation and equality. His children are his friends. Makar himself tries to take small children to kindergarten or school, take them to clubs and sections. This gives him sincere joy. He communicates with adult children easily and unobtrusively, for which his daughters and sons love him very much.
Choice of profession, Business, career Makar
Professionally, Makar is a careerist. He confidently climbs the career ladder with small steps of hard work, endurance, patience and desire. A high career for him is an opportunity to do what he loves without pressure and instructions from above. Makars make wonderful servants of art. An ear for music, a sense of words and brushwork are superbly developed in Makars. They can also be wonderful teachers, doctors, engineers.
Makar’s health
Makar is generally born as a strong, rosy-cheeked little boy, and before entering first grade, there are few health problems for the child. But school life leaves a negative imprint on the boy’s health. Responsible Makar spends a lot of time reading textbooks and books, which results in problems with vision and excess weight. Sports, fresh air, planning workload and rest can strengthen Makar’s immunity and general physical condition.
Name Makar for a child
Makar is a kind but stubborn child. He loves his parents madly, takes pity on animals, and treats older people with respect. His stubbornness is manifested in the fact that the boy will never complete a task that is not interesting to him. Any arguments and punishments from adults are empty words for little Makar. He will firmly stand his ground, even to the point of hysteria and tears.
It’s easy to be friends with Makar. He listens more often than he speaks. Friends can trust him with any secret. They know that Makar will never give her away. It’s interesting to argue with Makar: he knows a lot because he’s interested in a lot. Makar rarely takes part in street games – he is a “homebody” by nature and prefers home silence and solitude to the noise and traffic of the street.
Name days:
January 5, January 12, January 23, January 25, January 27, February 1, February 4, February 18, February 21, March 1, March 4, March 12, March 30, April 5, April 9, April 14, May 14 , May 26 , May 27 , June 4 , June 8 , June 10 , June 23 , August 7 , August 9 , August 22 , August 24 , August 31 , September 4 , September 10 , September 12 , September 19 , September 20 , 28 September, October 2, October 5, October 11, October 18, October 19, October 24, October 25, November 12, November 29, December 3, December 29
Diminutive version
Makaryk, Makarchyk, Makarochka, Makaronka, Makarushka, Makario
Makarka, Mak
According to the church
- brown
- Pluto
- fire
Stone talisman
opal, diamond
laurel, ginger
Totem animal