Origin of the name May

The name Mai has several origins.

According to the Slavic version, the name Mai means “warm heart.” This is a variant of the female name Maya. According to legend, Zlata Maya was the daughter of the giant hero Svyatogor. But there is no convincing evidence for this version, since the sources of information about Slavic mythology are very scarce.

According to the Greek version, the name Mai came to Russia from Byzantium. Among the ancient Greeks, the name Maya (Μαϊα) was borne by the galaxy – the goddess of fertility and the mother of the god of trade Hermes. It is translated as “mother”, “nurse”.

According to the Latin version, the name May is associated with the name of one of the months of the old Roman calendar – Majus. It means “born in May.” And the month itself received its name from the goddess of fertility Mayesta.

The Hebrew version traces the name Mai to the Aramaic word “מייא” – water, which appears frequently in the Talmud.

And the latest version dates the name May to the era of the USSR, when the slogan “Peace, labor, May!” was heard.

In Russia, the name Mai is not widespread; it can be found more often in Germany and Japan.

Meaning and characteristics of the name May

Little May is a kind and sympathetic child. He is attentive to others, not childishly caring and serious. Mai does well at school and reads a lot. He attends sports clubs and may be interested in music or ballet. He has many friends, both boys and girls.

Mai loves to spend time with friends. He is a good organizer and can easily arrange a company outing or a weekend tour. At the same time, he will bear the bulk of the expenses and will entertain friends throughout the entire vacation.

Sometimes Maya needs to be alone to gain strength and recharge. Then he may disappear without warning for several days. Lie down at home with an interesting book or go to the wilderness of the village to listen to the nightingale singing. After such a short rest, May is again ready for the cycle of life’s fun.

self-control over a trifle, and then it takes a long time to come to your senses. He constantly needs to be the center of attention; without attention, Mai feels unwanted and abandoned. He is a very generous person and will never refuse financial support. Unfortunately, some take advantage of this kindness and forget to repay their debts.

Mai chooses an extraordinary profession; this holiday person does not want to waste precious time on boring, routine work. May can become a toastmaster, animator, showman, circus performer, actor or singer. Sometimes Maya is attracted to the work of a psychologist or teacher, and he can also devote himself to charity.

Oddly enough, Maya’s relationships with women are difficult. Girls are afraid of his energy, consider him frivolous and unreliable. This is not true. In family life, May shows maximum seriousness. He is caring, hardworking, attentive, ready to take on not only housework, but also caring for children from birth. This is the man whom his wife will not have to force into partner childbirth. He will take the initiative himself, joke during the process and take hundreds of incredible photographs.

Name days:

March 5, January 10

Diminutive version

Mike, Mike



According to the church



  • blue
  • Orange


  • Mercury


  • water

Stone talisman

peridot, topaz, opal





Totem animal


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