Origin of the name Magomed
The name Magomed is one of the pronunciation variants of the Arabic name Muhammad, which translates as “praiseworthy” or “praised.” An older form of this name is Mahmud. Various forms of the name Muhammad are very popular among Muslims, as parents willingly name boys after the Muslim prophet, hoping that he will grow up worthy of his great name. There are many related names, some of which, such as Mambet, Mometto and Momodo, have changed noticeably.
Since the name is very popular, many parents prefer to name their child with a double name, combining the name of the prophet with an additional epithet and simply a harmonious and meaningful word.
By naming a child this way, parents hope that their son will be worthy of his great predecessor, and at the same time demonstrate their commitment to Islam and fear of God.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Magomed
Little Magomed is a big fan of practical jokes and original jokes, some of which his parents are happy to tell to friends, having previously severely punished the naughty boy for his wit. Magomed’s rich imagination and sharp mind help him a lot in his studies, although sometimes it is extremely difficult for him to concentrate on a boring task. But his comrades love him for his inexhaustible energy and cheerfulness. There is never a dull moment with him, he is friendly and ready to help in a difficult situation.
Magomed is brave, but cautious, he will not rush headlong into any obstacle, if there is the slightest opportunity, he will prefer to carefully study the situation, find out the weaknesses of the enemy, and only then go on the attack. Magomed masterfully masters the art of negotiations, which he conducts using both harsh pressure and more delicate methods to achieve his goal.
Magomed is fluent in the art of oratory, he knows how to speak in front of people, and holds the attention of a large audience well. He likes to be significant and noticeable; it is important for him to play a significant role in the life of society, which is why men with this name often choose a political career. In business and politics, he never goes over his head, preferring to attract rivals to his side, making them loyal friends and associates. However, Magomed can be harsh with those whom he truly does not love. He does not forgive betrayal, he remembers insults for a long time.
In family life, he is greatly hampered by jealousy, which he can experience completely out of nowhere. Despite his self-confidence, he is afraid of rivals, which sometimes leads to difficult relationships with his wife. The only thing that saves him is an ineradicable sense of humor; he is able to see himself from the outside and soberly appreciate the comedy of groundless suspicions. He loves children and tries to involve them in his business even at school age; it is extremely important for him to pass on to them the skills and life principles that he considers important.
Magomed often chooses a sports career; here his persistence and energy are more appropriate than anywhere else. He trains with great pleasure, preferring team sports.
Name days:
Diminutive version
Magomedik, Magomedushka, Magomedka
Mag, Magomo
According to the church
- green
- white
- gold
- Jupiter
- Mars
- fire
Stone talisman
pearl, diamond, emerald
gold, platinum
rose hip, rhododendron
Totem animal
whale, camel, albatross