History of the origin of the name Madina
Etymologists have not clearly established the history of the origin of the name Madina. There are several versions. One of them is a Greek name derived from the name Madeline, translated as giving strength. This is a form of the name Maddalena; in the Gospel it is written as Magdalene and is translated “from Magdala.” The second is that this is an English name, converted from the male name Maden (Madenn, Madeni). According to the third hypothesis, the name Madina is an abbreviated name for the Arab city of Madinat an-Nabi, which is considered the city of the Prophet Muhammad. There is no such name in the Orthodox calendar, so name days are not celebrated. For Russia, this is a very rare name; at baptism, the owner of the name is given any other name. But it is revered in Muslim countries and is included in Catholic calendars. Catholic name days – December 13, October 13, March 26.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Madina
The meaning of the name Madina is “happy”, “lucky”, “fortunate”, “giving strength”, “lucky”, “giving strength”.
As a child, Madina was an inquisitive, friendly, sociable, lively, cheerful girl. She studies well, has a penchant for foreign languages, reads a lot, sings, speaks in public, strives to be the best in everything. There are many friends among my peers. Loves his younger brothers and sisters and takes care of them. She quickly flares up during a quarrel, gets offended, but is easy-going, she immediately forgets insults, and is not vindictive. Likes to be among adults and take part in their conversation, expressing his opinion on any issue. In adolescence, she becomes independent, overly energetic, and can leave home.
Madina easily adapts to any team and company. She doesn’t like conflicts, scandals, intrigues, people are drawn to her. Purposeful, confident in herself and her strengths, achieves goals in any way, easily trained, very responsible and efficient. Intuition is well developed; he thinks about all decisions made for a long time. There is no flexibility in character, so he rarely becomes a leader. The choice of profession is prosecutor, journalist, deputy, doctor, flight attendant. He can become an art critic, restorer, designer, fashion designer, fashion model, hairdresser, makeup artist, since he is a very creative person.
Madina has a bright appearance, she is flirtatious and seductive. She doesn’t get married early, she is looking for a man who is worthy, responsible, with a sense of humor, and like-minded. She becomes a caring mother and a real homemaker, an excellent housewife. But she’s not ready to quit her job for the sake of her family, so she combines career and family. An independent, proud woman who does not like control over herself and her actions will not be able to get along in the same house with either her mother or her mother-in-law.
Kind, sympathetic, will always help in trouble. If she lives a wealthy life, she spends a lot of money on family and friends. Loves noisy companies, especially if it is a company of the opposite sex, in which he is the leader. She will never reveal the secrets entrusted to her.
Loves animals, various events, concerts. There are no health problems, but with age, problems with the cardiovascular system may arise, so you need to take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle.
Name days:
Diminutive version
Madinochka, Madinushka, Madinchik, Madinka, Madichka
Madinka, Madûša, Madûška, Maddi, Dina, Dinka, Inna
According to the church
- green
- Neptune
- water
Stone talisman
Totem animal