- History of the origin of the name Lyudmila
- The meaning and characteristics of the name Lyudmila
- Lyudmila’s character traits
- Family and love relationships of Lyudmila
- Choice of profession, business, career of Lyudmila
- Lyudmila’s health
- Name Lyudmila for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Lyudmila
The name Lyudmila is a native Russian name (in some sources a Slavic name), found among both Orthodox Christians and Catholics. An argument can be made in favor of the fact that it existed among the Slavs: the patroness of the Czech Republic is Saint Lyudmila, baptized by the enlightener Methodius himself. It is also worth noting that the ancient Slavs had a male name Lyudmil. However, there are versions that the name goes back to the Indo-European proto-language, later passing from it into the Latin language. The female name Lyudmila was forgotten before the era of romanticism: V. A. Zhukovsky in the ballad of the same name creates a tender image of a girl who has lost her groom. Later, A.S. Pushkin will also interest readers in this name by writing the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila.” At the end of the 80s of the XNUMXth century, it began to be included in the list of the most common Russian female names.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Lyudmila
The name Lyudmila means “nice to people.” It is generally accepted that it does not correspond to the character of the girl wearing it, causing the duality of her nature. Here it is appropriate to recall the words of the religious thinker P. A. Florensky: “I am not nice, although I am nice, And you, although Lyudmila, are not nice to people, And you won’t become nice to them.” As already noted, there is a version that the name comes from the ancient Slavic male name Lyudmil. It is this fact that explains the presence of masculine traits in the character of the so-called girl. In the Indo-European language, the word consonant with this name means “blooming”, in Latin it means “obstructing freedom”.
Lyudmila’s character traits
Among the main qualities of Lyudmila are focus, emotionality, and attachment to the family hearth. A woman named Lyudmila is active and dynamic, not dependent on anyone. Sometimes activity develops into fussiness and nervousness. Luda has the qualities of a diplomat, but they are combined with hot temper and a heightened sense of self-esteem. Luda loves people, which is why she makes a very good medical worker. They note that Lyudmila strangely combines opposite qualities: laziness and hard work, despondency and love of life, rudeness and tact. There is a trait inherent in all Lyudmilas – perfectionism, which, however, poisons their lives. Such a desire for ideal destroys the harmonious combination of career and family, and spoils the relationship with a lover.
Family and love relationships of Lyudmila
Lyudmila is quite selective when choosing a life partner. However, an early marriage is quite possible for a girl with this name, because she wants to quickly fulfill her dream of an impeccable family. She is looking for the ideal man, whose image she came up with as a child. If Lyudmila’s husband does not fit into this framework, then conflicts will inevitably arise in the family, because she will constantly find fault with him. Therefore, Lyuda’s first marriage is often unhappy, but in her second she is calmer about such a discrepancy between dreams and reality. Note that after the birth of children, she truly blossoms. Lyudmila is an ideal wife and mother, she tries to be ideal in these guises. A woman cooks well, creates comfort in the house, and makes guests happy.
Choice of profession, business, career of Lyudmila
Lyudmila is distinguished by her ambition, coupled with an analytical mind, quick wits, and excellent memory. Therefore, she can choose almost any type of professional activity in her youth. In addition, she has developed creative abilities: she can become a sought-after actress or artist. The girl has good hearing, so she can study music professionally. Lyudmila often has a conflict between her career and family, as she wants to be perfect in all areas. But if she made a choice not in favor of her family, then she is guaranteed career growth, especially in medicine and psychology. Note that monotonous and painstaking work is contraindicated for her. She cannot engage in a single type of activity, radically changing the trajectories of her development several times throughout her life. Lyudmila is ambitious, she does not like to be subordinate. She can take risks for money. She strangely combines generosity and stinginess – excellent traits of a born businessman and entrepreneur.
Lyudmila’s health
Lyudmila has been considered a healthy child since childhood. Having excellent vitality, she goes in for sports, but with age she begins to have health problems. The woman is susceptible to infectious diseases. Her weakest point is her respiratory tract. Asthma, bronchitis, tonsillitis, and shortness of breath often accompany Lyudmila. She should take care of the health of both the immune and nervous systems. As she ages, she develops obesity and varicose veins. Let us note that all of the listed diseases for Lyudmila can and should be prevented by preventive procedures.
Name Lyudmila for a child
Little Lyudmila is growing up as an assistant. She is very responsible and neat. The girl grows up tender and charming: strangers are constantly touched by her, she knows how to charm anyone. Luda’s favorite game is “mothers and daughters”. She has a lot of dolls, which she carefully cares for. This is how a girl prepares herself for the role of a wonderful mother and housewife. Sometimes Lyudmila is reproached for being too talkative, but with age this trait disappears. The girl early becomes interested in art, in particular dancing and music. She signs up for many clubs, but does not attend them due to natural laziness and disorganization. But, if parents can gently correct their daughter’s behavior, there will be no problems in the future. Lyudmila has many friends who are her own age, although if she has a sister, she does not communicate closely with her. The girl has a much better relationship with her brother. Lyudmila is an exemplary student, but not brilliant in her achievements. In any case, she finishes school well.
Name days:
August 28, September 29
Diminutive version
Lyudochka, Lyudushka, Lyudonka, Lyusenka, Lyusechka, Lyusik, Darling, Darling, Milasha
Lyuda, Lyudka, Lyudok, Lyudasha, Lyusya, Lyuska, Myla, Myla, Mylka
According to the church
- Mercury
- Venus
- air
Stone talisman
yellow sapphire
basil, chrysanthemum
Totem animal