History of the origin of the name Lyubava
Lyubava is a Slavic name, a more traditional form for an Old Church Slavonic name than the similar name Lyubov. In Slavic languages there were often names with a similar ending: Lyubava, Zabava, Krasava, Pava, Ogneva, Dobronrava.
These could be either independent female names or nicknames, i.e. nicknames that were given to a person based on his character traits. Lyubava could be a girl who had another name, but who was beloved, pleasant, and dear to the heart.
Distributed in southern Slavic countries: Serbia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Croatia, Romania. Found in Ukraine, Belarus, Poland. Lately it has become popular in Russia due to the fashion for Slavic names, interest in roots and Slavic culture.
It is an independent form of the name, and not a derivative of the name Lyubov, which appeared as a female name in the Russian language later.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Lyubava
The name Lyubava comes from the Old Slavonic verb “lyubiti,” which means “to love.” Lyubava can be translated into Russian as “loving”, “one who loves” or, conversely, endowed with this quality, i.e. “darling”.
The expression “what you call a boat, so it will float” is absolutely true for this name. Lyubava will be a bright light of warmth, love and affection for those around her all her life. Extraordinary femininity and a bright fire of activity manage to combine, illuminating the life of Lyubava and everyone she meets along her path with love, fun and optimism.
In childhood, it is a bright and inquisitive laugher, a “jumping firefly” and a shilopop. Hurricane, not a girl! But with all this, she is smart, assiduous when necessary, obedient if she agrees with the arguments of adults. He studies easily, tries hard, loves any group. She is a social activist by nature, very brave, friendly, a leader and a leader in any company.
All her life she has been surrounded by friends and acquaintances and values friendship. He knows how to make friends and loves, and remains faithful to such relationships all his life. The same cannot be said about love. Loving, fickle and cocky in her youth. He loves to make fun of his lover and ridicule excessive romanticism, although in his heart he simply adores romance and tenderness.
He creates a family late, deliberately. She loves her husband and children, her inner circle very much. A wonderful housewife, she cooks delicious food and a lot, she is clean and knows how to create comfort out of nothing. At home there is an atmosphere of warmth, fun and acceptance. A strict mother, she knows how to raise children without spoiling them with excessive love. At the same time, he maintains friendly relations with his children and grandchildren. Lyubava is the most loving grandmother. She pampers her grandchildren, indulges all their whims, and in return they simply adore their youthful and active granny.
All her life Lyubava does not sit still, she strives somewhere, develops, travels, tries new things. This is a tireless optimist! He will find both a lesson and entertainment in everything. Talented. Crazy energy promotes creativity. But profession is not the main thing for Lyubava. It is much more important for her to feel the taste of life and relationships with people. And she can easily earn money any way she wants.
Name days:
The form of the name Lyubava does not have a patron saint, but you can celebrate name days in honor of Saint Lyubov on September 30 (the day of remembrance of Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia).
Diminutive version
Lyubasha, Lyubashka, Lyubochka, Lyubonka, Lyubyushka, Lyubovonka, Lyubushka, Lyubushya, Lyusya, Lyusenka, Lyubok, Buska, Lyubanka, Liu, Lyalya
Lyubasha, Lyuba
According to the church
- red
- Orange
- Sun
- fire
Stone talisman
diamond and magnetite
sunflower, onion
Totem animal