Origin of the name Luna

The name Luna comes from the Latin language. In Latin, Lūna means Moon. This was the name of the ancient Roman lunar goddess, daughter of Latona, who later began to be identified either with Diana or with Juno. And then they were completely revered as a trinity of goddesses: the Moon, Hecate and Diana, who was depicted in the form of a three-faced statue of the goddess Hecate.

The word “luna” then passed into Italian and Spanish, giving the world this unique feminine name. In Latin American countries, Luna and Deluna are also common surnames.

The name has been gaining popularity lately. The fashion for rare and unusual, but euphonious names has prompted some celebrities to name their daughters this name (Uma Thurman, Penelope Cruz, Til Schweiger). The name became known to everyone and gained fame. Now it is included in the ranking of the most desirable female names around the world.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Luna

The word “lūna” can be translated from Latin as “Moon”, “moonlight”, “radiance”. In Italian and Spanish, the name Lúna is translated simply as “Moon.”

An unusual cosmic name leaves an imprint on its owner. The name is so rare and attractive that the baby will stand out from childhood. The name is also unique in that, like the Moon, it combines the incongruous. It is impossible to predict the nature of each specific Moon. But common features include: charming femininity and seductiveness, subtle aesthetic taste and musicality, unpredictability and eccentricity.

The behavior of the Moon, as a phase of the lunar body, can be diametrically opposite: sometimes calm, quiet and thoughtful, sometimes rushing around, swearing, stubborn. Her parents will have to accept her as she is. But if the family eventually gets used to this behavior, then it will cause problems and misunderstandings at school and in society.

Luna will strive to grow up quickly and get away from care and boundaries. He will most likely choose a creative profession or freelance. In this she is successful and businesslike. He can easily manage a business and build a career. But creative flight, the search for oneself and means of self-expression are also familiar to her. Lunas are very talented. Their gift is related to the visual, musical or literary arts.

Surrounded by male attention all my life. In his youth, he has a romantic and passionate nature; in adulthood, he spends more time on work and caring for his family. Loves children and animals. She runs the house perfectly and is hospitable. If in her youth she did not have enough time and desire to improve her life, she later compensates for this a hundredfold, enjoying the role of a housewife. But he can make unexpected fatal decisions: up and move to the other side of the world, quit his career, get married at 80 years old.

Name days:

There is no saint with that name, but you can celebrate the name day of St. Helena on March 19, June 8, November 12.

Diminutive version

Lu, Lunochka, Lunik, Luntik, Lunyasha, Lulik, Lunushka, Lulu


Lou, Nana, Lulu

According to the church



  • violet
  • the black
  • silver


  • Venus


  • water

Stone talisman

amethyst, moonstone




lily, elderberry, white poplar

Totem animal


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