Origin of the name Lukerya
Etymologists claim that the name Lukerya is ancient, Russian, and came to Rus’ from Ancient Greece. This is the folk form of the name Glyceria. Saint Glyceria lived in the second century in Ancient Rome and preached Christianity, for which she was tortured and tormented for a long time, but she remained alive and unharmed for a long time, until she asked the Lord to take her to him. Glyceria of Adrianople, a holy martyr who lived in the third century in Adrianople, suffered for the spread of Christianity among the pagans. Both Orthodox and Catholics have a name. Name days in the Orthodox calendar are May 26 and November 4, Catholic name days are May 13. This name is very rare.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Lukerya
The meaning of the name Lukerya is “sweet”.
As a child, Lukerya is a restless, mischievous, capricious, inquisitive girl, at the same time vulnerable and touchy. She studies well, but is not an excellent student. The child’s fantasy and imagination are well developed, so she is a creative person. Teachers set her up as an example to her peers. She is more attached to her father, he is the only authority for her.
Lukerya always knows what she wants and achieves her goal, and does not waste her time on trifles. Kind, flexible, sympathetic, hardworking, responsible. She has no desire to become a leader, she is an excellent, conscientious performer, and will always finish the job she starts. Money comes from hard, persistent work, and then parting with it is very difficult for Lukerya. Can choose the profession of teacher, doctor, accountant, restorer, librarian, secretary, actress, writer. Business and commerce are not about her.
Lukerya is a very bright, cheerful, charming, lively and beautiful girl. She knows this very well and takes advantage of it. She has many fans and loves to be the center of attention. But in her personal life, Lukerya has many disappointments, since she does not know how to understand men. Before you find your betrothed, you will get burned many times. She becomes a good, devoted wife, an excellent mother and an exemplary housewife. She tries and pays a lot of attention to ensuring that her family is the best of the best.
Loves loved ones, listens to their opinions and advice. She herself loves to teach and give advice, and she is very wise and her advice is always useful. You can rely on her in any situation, she will never let you down. Public opinion is important to her; she loves it when her actions are highly valued and praised. She is not vindictive, quickly forgets grievances, others use this for their own purposes. She has the ability to quickly adapt to various circumstances and situations in life. The owner of this name does not have many real friends, but she will always come to their aid and support them in joy and sorrow. He always expects the same in return. After a quarrel, she will never be the first to reconcile, although she will worry for a long time inside.
She always takes care of herself, strives to be interesting, intellectually developed, modern. To do this, he reads a lot of books and magazines, takes care of his appearance, plays sports, travels, loves to go to theaters, concerts, and visits.
There are no health problems, you just need to rest more often, preferably in the fresh air.
Name days:
May 13, May 26, November 4, December 16
Diminutive version
Glykera, Kera, Glika, Lika, Glasha, Glanya, Glira, Glera
Lera, Lira, Lusha, Lunya, Lushanya
According to the church
- Pluto
- air
Stone talisman
eye of the Tiger
Totem animal