History of the origin of the name Lucia
Lucia is a Latin name derived from the term “lux”, which translated means ray, radiance, light, illumination, shine. There are many interpretations of this name – light, radiant, illuminating, brilliant, light-giving, life-illuminating, daylight, clarity, light in contrast to darkness. Two variants of pronunciation of this name are used – with emphasis on both the first and second syllables. It is popular in European countries.
Characteristics of the name Lucia: main character traits
The owner of the name Lucia is a direct and decisive person on whom relatives and friends can always rely. Lucia is a disciplined student, an excellent student, and from her early youth she attaches great importance to education. She is a perfectionist and strives for excellence, constantly raising the bar. Lucia personifies order, harmony, and reliability, and therefore she herself also greatly values these qualities in other people. In some situations, she can show herself as a tough and even rude person, ruthlessly realizing her own ambitions. She is determined and not afraid of difficulties.
Lucia is the embodiment of will; she is capable of working long and monotonously to achieve her goals. Those around her are often amazed at her perseverance and constancy. She can achieve great success in sports, banking, trade, research, medicine, and mathematics. She is endowed with excellent organizational talent, which is why she often finds herself in a leadership position. Preferring an authoritarian style of communication with subordinates, Lucia demands from them attentiveness and perseverance. She can be irritable and very picky at times.
In personal communication, Lucia is all harmony and charm; she sincerely cares about her loved ones and can be a very attentive interlocutor. Lucia often organizes holidays and gives gifts, trying to respect traditions in everything. She takes great care of her appearance, preferring a classic style.
Positive character traits: courage, determination, determination, pedantry.
Negative character traits: preoccupation with trifles, bossiness, irritability.
What is Lucia like in love?
Lucia takes a sober look at love relationships, and therefore does not belong to the category of romantic young ladies. Possessing an exclusive appearance and social flair, educated and energetic, Lucia is always surrounded by admirers. Lucia does not rush headlong into love, however, she always strives to find the ideal partner who would meet her criteria.
She is not endowed with excessive emotionality, at first glance she may seem cold and aloof. In love, Lucia is devoted and faithful, she does not waste time on short romances and flirting. She will make an ideal wife and a good mother, as she is pedantic and responsible in building her family nest. As a rule, she is lucky in love and marries once. For family harmony, it is important to learn to restrain your authority and not try to “remake” your husband.
Name days:
February 19, March 25, June 25, July 6, September 16, November 14, December 13
Diminutive version
Lyutsa, Lyutsenka, Lyusya, Lyusenka, Lyusechka, Lyusik, Lyuska
Lu, Luci, Lulu, Lucy, Lyusya, Luts, Lutsa, Lutska, Lusi, Cindy, Chia, Chita, Lusita, Lyudka, Lyutka, Lucha, Lyutsya, Siya, Luz, Luci
According to the church
- violet
- Jupiter
- water
Stone talisman
Totem animal