History of the origin of the name Lyubov

The name Love is an Old Slavonic female name. Love is a translation of the Greek name Agape, which was the name of the youngest of the martyred sisters revered by Christians (Hope, Faith, Love), who lived in the 2nd century and were unjustly executed. The sisters’ names personified the most important Christian virtues. The Greeks called the sisters by their corresponding Greek names, and in Europe these names were translated. And the ancient Greek female name Agape turned into Love. Since then, this female name began to be used in Rus’. Today the name Love is not as popular as it used to be.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Love

The female name Love personifies the most beautiful and bright feeling in human life. The meaning of this name is exactly that – “beloved”, “born of love”.

The sound of the soft name Love has a hard, iron note. Likewise, Love itself hides a stubborn and strong character behind its charming and feminine appearance. Lyubov celebrates her name day on September 30th. The name Lyubov in English, German, Polish, Bulgarian and Ukrainian will sound like Lyubov. In Belarusian – Lyubou.

Character traits of the name Lyubov

The main character traits of the name Love will be energy, curiosity, and secrecy. Love knows how to make friends and find common topics of conversation with both men and women. You can count on her in difficult situations. Love chooses its friends very carefully. She is impressed by calm and reliable people.

Positive character traits of the name Love can be considered: hard work, goodwill, love of life. Love, thanks to its hard work and perseverance, can achieve great results in life. She perfectly combines beauty, intelligence and pride. She behaves very reservedly and knows how to control her emotions. She has certain life principles that she follows. It is very difficult to convince her to give up her ideals.

Negative character traits of the name Love: excessive firmness and desire to command. Love can manifest itself as a rebel if it is not satisfied with public opinion. Love is not as simple as it seems at first glance. She is able to quietly manipulate people in her own interests. Loves intrigue. There is little sincerity and kindness in her. Love is always categorical in its judgments. If she breaks off a relationship with someone, then it’s forever. It’s better not to quarrel with her.

Love is rarely completely honest with anyone. Even when communicating with loved ones, one feels detachment and coldness. Love is selfish. Her personal interests are always much more important to her than the interests of other people. Outwardly she is always calm, but passions are seething inside. Love is observant. She pays a lot of attention to her appearance, follows fashion and visits beauty salons. Loves money and beautiful things.

Family and love relationships of Lyubov

Love is popular with members of the opposite sex, as she always looks good and is very flirtatious. Often Love becomes the reason for the breakdown of a family, without meaning to. A large number of fans prevents her from seeing her other half. Love itself is quite restrained in relationships, although frivolous. But when real feeling comes, Love becomes passionate and devotes a lot of time to its chosen one. She is vulnerable and easily offended.

A man plays a significant role in her life and she really wants to get married. She makes every effort to ensure that the romance ends in marriage, which sometimes scares off men. Love always counts on the financial support of a man, but she does not marry for convenience. In family life, she needs harmony in relationships and a sense of satisfaction. But Love herself, despite her sensuality, is often cold with her husband.

Love is monogamous and passionate in nature. If she fell in love, then it’s forever. Love is very demanding of the chosen one, so it is rarely happy. Her first marriage does not always work out well. But having left her companion, she quickly finds a replacement for him.

Love loves children, but raises them strictly. Therefore, not feeling warmth and participation, with age the children move more and more away from her. Household chores do not excite Love too much; they bore her. But she is trying to create a cozy family hearth. Therefore, she can be called a good housewife.

The union of Lyubov with Alexander, Sergey, Nikolai, Konstantin, Vladimir, Demyan, Lyubomir, Roman, Fedor will be successful. But with Valentin, Vasily, Evdokim, Joseph, Leo and Svyatoslav, the alliance will not be very strong.

Choice of profession, business, career of Lyubov

Love will achieve success in her career if her work does not require making lightning-fast decisions. Love is able to manage a team and make difficult decisions, but work should be calm. She will become successful by working in floristry, merchandising, accounting, librarianship, and pharmacology. Lyubov perfectly copes with the work of a cook, social worker, archivist, administrator, cosmetologist, and laboratory assistant. She can become a teacher. She is interested in the profession of a doctor, as well as alternative medicine. Love can successfully engage in computer technology or technology.

The owner of this name can achieve remarkable results in art or politics. The profession of an actress or model is perfect for her. She can conquer the heights of sports thanks to her hard work, perseverance and patience.

Since her youth, Lyubov has been dreaming of a career and financial independence, so she tries to study diligently. She has qualities such as diligence and perseverance that help her cope with scientific work. She can do tedious and monotonous work for a long time. Love endures all difficulties with steadfastness. She never loses her composure. Works selflessly and for results.

In business, Love can be very successful. She has excellent business skills. Good artistic abilities help her establish business connections and communicate with partners.

She will never sit at home, she needs to work. Love can achieve a lot in life through determination and hard work. Flexibility of thinking and intelligence will allow you to achieve success in almost any field.

Health of Lyubov

Love is always interested in the state of her health. She studies modern healing techniques. Love is also attentive to her appearance. Usually, a lot of trouble is caused to her by allergic reactions of the body, which are hereditary in nature.

Overload associated with hard work can cause a rapid loss of vital energy. Depletion of the body’s reserves can lead to nervous breakdowns. Love should protect itself from overload, otherwise serious disturbances in nervous activity are possible.

Lyubov’s explosive nature also often leads to stressful situations that weaken the nervous and immune systems. Therefore, she needs to monitor her emotions and try to avoid nervous breakdowns. Lyubov may develop metabolic disorders, which usually leads to weight gain.

Name Love for baby

As a child, Lyubov is a very active, healthy and friendly child. Lyuba loves to be the center of attention in the family and among her peers. She is incredibly artistic. She simply needs praise and tries to earn it.

Little Lyuba’s parents should pay great attention to the development of the girl’s acting abilities, as this will help her in her professional activities, even if she does not become an actress.

At school, Lyuba tries to study well, because she wants to succeed in life. An excellent, tenacious memory and analytical mind help the girl cope with school subjects. She knows the value of the word “must”, so she spends a lot of time and effort on studying. However, she is not much interested in school theory; she is more interested in real life. In addition, Love is often lazy and pays little attention to those disciplines that, in her opinion, will not be useful to her in the future.

Love is distinguished by high moral principles. But she is also frivolous, so she is drawn to intrigue. Lyuba, earlier than other girls, begins to visit a beauty salon and do her own makeup and manicure.

Girl Lyubov is somewhat straightforward and confrontational, despite her apparent openness and sociability. She always stubbornly defends her own opinion, she can flare up and cause a scandal. The fate of her friends and their attitude towards her worries her little. If Lyuba’s pride was hurt, then she is capable of a super-strong emotional explosion. She gradually begins to develop an egoistic character. She can stand apart in a group.

Name days:

on September 30

Diminutive version

Lyubochka, Lyubonka, Lyubushka, Lyubava, Lyubasha, Lyubusya, Lyusya


Lyuba, Lyubanya, Lyubakha, Lyubka, Lyubchyk

According to the church



  • dark blue


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