Origin of the name Linar
The name Linar has several versions of origin and interpretation.
According to the most common Soviet version, the name Linar is a variant of the name Lenar, which is formed by shortening the phrase “Lenin’s Army”.
The second version suggests looking for the roots of the name Linar in Arabic. It can be interpreted as “fire”, “fiery” and even as “light of Allah”.
The third version claims that the name Linar is of ancient Greek origin. It comes from the ancient name Apollinaris, which in turn was formed from the name of the god of art Apollo. Nowadays, Appolinarius is an outdated name, which can only be found in Spain in the form Apolinaris.
The fourth version also goes back to the times of Ancient Greece and Rome. In Latin there is a word “linarius” – “worker in a flax processing workshop.” Also “Linaria vulgaris” is a wildflower, which is popularly called “wild flax”.
The name Linar is a rather rare name. It is found among the Bashkirs, Tatars, and Uighurs. In Russia this name is practically not used.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Linar
Linar is an active and restless child. It is difficult for parents to keep track of their son, so he constantly walks around with bruises and abrasions. The best option would be to send Linar to the sports section, where he can channel excess energy into a peaceful direction. At school, the boy is ahead of his classmates in intellectual development, studies well and with pleasure. Success in sports and studies makes Linar somewhat arrogant. But this does not prevent him from having many friends and acquaintances.
Linar is easily attracted to new ideas, but he also quickly cools down. At the same time, a man does not like it when strangers point out his mistakes. He considers himself an ideal, and gets very annoyed if anyone dares to argue with this. However, Linar does not hesitate to criticize others with the air of an expert in all fields. He can be harsh and unintelligible in his expressions. Over time, such behavior can lead Linar to loneliness; not many are willing to tolerate such an attitude.
Linar is versatile and gifted. It is difficult for him to choose one direction in order to realize himself. Linar can rush from side to side for a long time and unsuccessfully, from one thing to another, and never achieve success anywhere. If he manages to overcome himself and concentrate on a specific task, Linar will quickly achieve success, thanks to his lively mind, creativity and ability to quickly and efficiently solve assigned problems.
Linar behaves with women the same way as with work. He flits from one girl to another in search of fresh impressions. It is almost impossible to hold Linar’s attention for a long time. As soon as the relationship acquires at least a hint of stability, Linar disappears in search of new vibrant experiences. The ideal match for this man would be a woman who would keep him in constant tension, cause jealousy and a sense of uncertainty. Linar is ready to live in such nervous tension for many years. He can become a caring and loving father and devote a lot of time to his children.
Name days:
June 11, December 23
Diminutive version
Linarcik, Linaruška
Lini, Lin
According to the church
- blue
- red
- Uran
- fire
Stone talisman
ruby, onyx, ash opal
Totem animal