History of the origin of the name Leonty

For the first time, the male name Leontius appeared in the dictionary of the ancient Greeks. At first it sounded a little different – Leontios. The common noun did not form on its own. It comes from the adjective “leonteios”, which when translated into Russian means “lion”. In all cultures, the lion was considered the king of beasts. This name in Ancient Greece was considered very good, significant and influential.

The Greeks believed that by calling a boy by the name Leontius, they predicted a happy fate for him. Fate will definitely reward a man with this name with power over people; he will have a real masculine character. In addition, the name Leonty goes well with many female names.

Over time, the ancient Greek name became popular in various languages ​​of the world. It sounds almost unchanged. Men with this name can be found especially often in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. The beautiful and soft name Leonty gives its bearer useful, important, and necessary characteristics for life.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Leonty

The name Leonty gives its owner a strong-willed character. From an early age such a boy is distinguished by responsibility and a strong spirit. He firmly defends his point of view and position in life.

Strangers can easily mistake him for a quiet, neat, serious boy. But his family knows that Leonty is very persistent and stubborn; he has a certain core that cannot be bent. He tries not to upset his parents, so he strives for independence.

This is a very pedantic young man, his whole life will go according to schedule, the young man does not need reminders. But his opinion will have to be taken into account. Adults should take it seriously and communicate as equals.

Leonty will treat his studies as the most important thing; he is a very diligent and obliging student. You don’t have to raise him; this child is well aware of the rules of behavior in society. He is characterized by an incredible thirst for knowledge.

Leonty has well-developed intuition and good organizational skills. In high school, he represents a fully formed personality. He shows himself to be decisive, resourceful, and knows how to quickly and correctly react to various situations.

Being friends with this guy is never easy. Negative traits of his character include stinginess and arrogance in relation to his environment. He chooses his friends according to calculations, based on practical interests. Leonty often suffers from loneliness and is hampered by secrecy and shyness. He diligently disguises these character traits with the help of his innate intelligence.

Leonty needs to choose the following professions: programmer, doctor, investigator, economist, head of a large company. There are no barriers for him; he achieves success in any field, in working and intellectual professions. By his nature, Leonty is a born leader; he needs career growth.

The bearer of this name gets married late, he is attracted to beautiful, energetic, neat women. He is a caring owner, an attentive father.

Name days:

February 4, February 10, February 11

Diminutive version

Lenia, Leva, Leonchik, Leontyushko



According to the church



  • gold
  • Orange


  • Sun


  • fire

Stone talisman






Totem animal


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