History of the origin of the name Leo

There are two versions of the origin of the name Leo. First: this name comes from the Latin word “leo”. Another option has the right to life – the name Leo comes from the ancient Greek word “lyon”. Both versions are very similar to each other, the only difference is the language that became the ancestor of the name. In the Middle Ages, strong, powerful, invincible lions had a special attitude. Then people sincerely believed that the mother lioness gave birth to already lifeless cubs. And only the hot paternal breath of the king of beasts (the leader of the pride) can revive the little lion cubs to life.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Leo

According to one version, the meaning of the name is “lion”, according to another – “king of beasts”. Men named Leo are committed, persistent, conscientious and sincere. These are loyal people, they are responsive, friendly and tolerant. But his patience is not endless; if someone dares to abuse Leo’s tolerance, he will immediately pay for it. Leo is not shy – the impudent one will very soon find out how hot-tempered and rude this person can be. There are many contradictions in Leo’s character, he is smart, but he can be somewhat simple-minded, trusting and cunning, he can be obligatory and frivolous. The main qualities of Leo are life wisdom, strong character, honesty and openness.

The winter lion is especially impatient and hot-tempered. He knows this behind himself, and does not like conflicts, but he will respond in kind to rudeness and rudeness. He is honest and fair, but at the same time he is proud and vain, and for the sake of recognition he can sacrifice moral standards. He needs a calm and faithful woman.

The spring lion, despite his ambition, prudence and boasting, is distinguished by frivolity and short-sightedness. Getting pleasure is the main goal of his life. Spring Leo needs a profession that, together with material well-being, will bring him fame. This is a ladies’ man; he chooses a smart beauty as his wife, who will be admired, and all the men around him will envy him.

The summer Leo is kind, sensitive and responsive. This man knows how to keep other people’s secrets, he will not deceive or betray. The kindness and gullibility of Leo Summer often fails him, killing his faith in people. His wife will be very lucky – after all, she will get an attentive, caring and faithful husband, for whom family values ​​are above all.

Leo autumn is distinguished by its analytical mind, principles and loyalty to ideals. Activity, determination and energy help him achieve everything: material well-being, professional growth, family happiness. A calm, affectionate, kind, gentle wife is the ideal for Autumn Leo.

Character Traits of the Name Leo

A man named Leo is a completely tolerant person, he is soft, flexible and diplomatic. What is typical is that this person is benevolent towards all people, regardless of their positions, titles and degree of “need”. Often, narrow-minded people mistake Leo’s goodwill for weakness and try to manipulate Leo or openly harm him. But very soon they have to pay for their actions; Leo’s revenge can be terrible. By the middle of his life, Leo will get used to the fact that some people simply cannot be called decent, and this will finally stop depressing him and leading to depression. Leo is calm, balanced, and can be somewhat phlegmatic. He attracts people with his warmth and willingness to always come to their aid.

This person’s intuition is quite well developed, but most often this applies only to the professional sphere. Unexpected situations can take Leo by surprise; he does not always react quickly to them. Often this is a very smart person who knows how to analyze well. Leo’s organizational abilities leave much to be desired; this is not his area of ​​activity. Leos love a measured, established life, and its sharp turns can unsettle them for a long time. The blows of fate and the suffering of loved ones are hard to bear for Leos. Relations with the weak, defenseless, and sick are very warm, he always tries to come to their aid. Leos have one more positive quality that other men sometimes lack – they know how to give up what they want.

Family and love relationships of Leo

Leo is distinguished by his love and passionate temperament until he truly falls in love. He breaks up with short-lived girlfriends peacefully, remaining on friendly terms with them, and completely switches to family life. Leos do not tolerate lies; they choose open, balanced women who are not prone to deceit and hypocrisy as their spouses. Men named Leo often have late marriages, when they realize that the time has come to start a family. When choosing a spouse, they pay attention not only to her personal qualities. Leo needs a strong, bright, sexy and attractive person who will be noticeable in society. If, moreover, she turns out to be caring and gentle, Leo’s fate is in good hands. Sometimes Leo may make a mistake with his choice, but he will always take measures to correct the mistake; for this reason, Leo often has several marriages.

It will not be possible to turn Leo into a harmless cat, he will not like it, he will very diplomatically put his wife in her place. Leo’s wife can afford to be imperfect, but only for a certain time. Unwashed dishes, dinner from semi-finished products, creative disorder he will tolerate for some time. The wife needs to be wary of something else – when Leo gets tired of the mess, he will leave her without a shadow of a doubt for the sake of someone who will provide a comfortable, cozy life. Children are Leo’s Achilles heel; sometimes he can be too soft towards them, and then, when the children are too relaxed, he can punish the naughty ones for the slightest mistake.

Choice of profession. Business, Leo’s career

He easily masters professions that require responsibility and self-sacrifice. Doctor, military man, journalist – these are the areas where Leo can reach great heights. He makes great efforts for further development, hard work and discipline help him in this. Leo is honest and fair, but has a slow reaction and gets lost in a difficult situation without showing it to others. Leo should choose a profession where there is always an opportunity for career growth. This person never has conflicts at work, he gets along well with his subordinates and superiors. If Leo decides to build his own business, he will succeed. His communication skills and ability to adapt to changing circumstances in a timely manner will be excellent qualities for running his own business.

Leo Health

Leo has been in good health since infancy. He has a high vitality and a strong nervous system. All this allows Leo to endure emotional stress without any problems. Little Levushka loves outdoor games and spends a lot of time on them. At school age, Leo’s favorite subject is often physical education. Until old age, Leo will enjoy good health, but he should be wary of extreme situations. In an effort to help the victims, Leo can undermine his own health.

Leo baby name

Little Levushka is growing up as a kind, calm boy, he is focused on friendly relations with children, has the right concepts about friendship, honor, and enjoys well-deserved authority in the children’s team. He will never start a conflict, but if Levushka is offended, he will instantly turn into a vindictive and irreconcilable enemy.

The controversial nature of the name Leo is already evident in adolescence. Leo is brave and courageous, but may be afraid of heights or the dark, he is tireless and energetic, but can give up by refusing to complete a task that requires these qualities. Leo is fair, will always come to the aid of a friend, and with strangers he often shows himself to be a cruel egoist.

When raising a little Leo, the most rational method will be the “carrot and stick” method, so as not to end up with a domestic tyrant. Leo is lazy by nature, for this reason he needs to instill discipline, perseverance and hard work from childhood, otherwise the boy, with all his abilities, will study unevenly.

Little Leo has an excellent quality – he accepts defeats correctly, and independent analysis of unpleasant situations gives him many advantages in adult life. As a teenager, Leo is ambitious, determined, ambitious and active. The young man knows how to keep his word, no matter what it threatens him with. He is respected by his peers and teachers for his intelligence, poise, friendliness, conscientiousness and excellent sense of humor. For classmates, Leo is a role model.

Name days:

January 12, February 2, March 3, March 5, March 14, May 31, July 14, August 31, September 24, October 24, November 25, December 20

Diminutive version

Levchik, Levochka, Levushka, Levonka, Levunya, Levulya, Levusya


Leva, Levka, Leo, Leon

According to the church

a lion


  • gold


  • Sun
  • Saturn


  • fire

Stone talisman





cedar, rosehip

Totem animal


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