History of the origin of the name Lenar

The name Lenar has several versions of origin and interpretation.

According to the most common Soviet version, the name Lenar is formed by shortening the phrase “Lenin’s Army”. This original way of forming names was popular in Russia after the 1917 Revolution. Before this, children were predominantly named after the Saints, the name was chosen by the priest, but now people have the freedom to choose a name on their own and, in the wake of patriotism, even create names themselves. This is how Vilen (“Vladimir Ilyich Lenin”), Vladlen (“Vladimir Lenin”), Marlene (“Marx and Lenin”), Reomir (“revolution and peace”) and others appeared.

The second version traces the name Lenar to Hebrew, and it is translated as “smart.”

The third version claims that the name Lenar is of Arabic origin and is translated as “fire”, “fiery”, “light”. By reading it backwards, the name Ranel is derived from it. A paired female name is Lenara.

The name Lenar is a fairly rare name. It is found among the Bashkirs, Tatars, and Uighurs. In Russia this name is practically not used.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Lenar

Since early childhood, Lenar has been a very serious and responsible child. He studies well, takes extra classes, and reads a lot. The boy seems not to be interested in childish things. If Lenar is passionate about something, it will be collecting. He can build model cars or Lego sets. A shelf will appear in the boy’s room where he will proudly display his trophies. Lenar finds it difficult to make friends with other children, he is too arrogant, believes that they are not as smart and talented as him. If a boy makes a friend, it will be a friendship-rivalry. Lenara’s comrade should not yield to him in anything.

Lenar is persistent and ambitious. He will never deviate from what he has planned and will throw all his strength into achieving his goal. Despite his angelic patience, Lenar is prone to breakdowns over trifles. It is difficult for him to share his doubts and experiences with others; Lenar accumulates all emotions within himself. And when there are too many of them, it explodes.

Lenar is very hardworking, he does not like to stagnate in one place, he needs constant movement and self-improvement. This man is a perfectionist. Everything he does, he must do at the highest level. He is disciplined, determined and principled. Able to take responsibility and effectively cope with the assigned task.

Lenar will never tolerate being pushed into the background. He should always and everywhere be among the leaders. It is very important for Lenar to be useful, in demand, and to see the result of his work. Therefore, he often chooses socially useful professions: doctor, teacher. He can also choose creative professions: art critic, journalist, designer, jeweler, critic, etc. Here he will be attracted by the opportunity to manage his own schedule and not obey anyone.

Family is very important to Lenar. It provides his emotional balance and is a reliable basis for professional growth and self-development. Lenar maintains good relationships with loved ones, and in case of conflict, he is the first to seek reconciliation. Lenar chooses his wife very carefully; he is a monogamist.

Name days:

July 1, December 18

Diminutive version

Lenarchik, Lenarushka


Lenny, Len

According to the church



  • turquoise
  • red


  • Uran


  • fire

Stone talisman

ruby, onyx, ash opal





Totem animal


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