Origin of the name Leysan

Like many names, the beautiful female name Leysan has several versions of its origin.

The first and main theory of the origin of the name Leysan is Tatar. It has many interpretations, each of which has the right to exist. However, the Tatar version of the naming has Arabic roots. Presumably this name was borrowed in ancient times by the Tatars in the same way as they borrowed the Muslim religion. Perhaps, over the centuries-old history of the two peoples, the name has undergone significant changes and it has come down to our time with exactly the same sound.

According to the second theory of origin, the name Leysan was based on a similar-sounding month from the ancient Syrian calendar. In the ancient calendar, calculations have been carried out since ancient times, but the names themselves have undergone minor changes, therefore, it is possible that the meaning of the name Leysan, according to this theory of origin, is the most accurate.

There is also a theory that earlier in Bashkir culture there was a consonant masculine name Leysan, but over time it lost its masculine characteristics and developed into a beautiful name for women.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Leisan

Both the name and its interpretation evoke a light spring breeze and warm days. The name Leysan is precisely translated as “the first spring rain,” that is, “refreshing, with life-giving energy.”

According to the Tatar version of the origin, the name Leysan comes from the ancient Arabic name Nisan, meaning the spring month of April. The name Nissan itself gained popularity and became widely used in Eastern culture as an independent name. However, it has lost its original meaning and received a different interpretation – “generous”

There is another interpretation of the name – “generous”. Presumably, it came from the above version of the name, associated with the month of spring, which is rich in various types of natural phenomena.

There is another meaning of the name, which comes from the phrase “leysen karlary”, meaning snow that fell in March.

It is generally accepted that this female name is common only in Tatar culture. However, it is not used by the Tatars, but also by the Bashkirs, Arabs and Turks.

Currently, the name is common in Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iran, and Turkey. With the growing popularity of Tatar names in the world, girls began to be called with this name in European countries such as England, France and Portugal.

Leysan character traits

At the first mention, you immediately feel light, cozy and warm from the very sound of the name. The way it is. Leysan is feminine and beautiful at any age. Soft, kind, flexible on one side, and hard, with a steel core inside, on the other. He does not stand still, always achieves his goals, and adamantly goes towards his destiny. She is too demanding of herself, so she accustoms herself from a very early age to order and perfection.

Sociable nature. He will always help his friends with advice, and never imposes unnecessary opinions. My friends always support me in difficult times, are responsive and generous. Sometimes she likes to chat with her friends, but she always counts her time, a waste is not for her.

Open, gentle and good-natured Leysan is always smiling and sincere. But behind this radiant smile hides a vulnerable and sensitive soul. Sometimes she doesn’t understand people’s behavior and actions and this hurts her very much. But everything will pass in a matter of seconds if she sees a drop of happiness in today.

However, excessive openness can cause best friends to commit betrayal. Leysan is used to expecting from people the same attitude that she gives them, but this does not happen often. Because of this, breakdowns happen.

Also, due to her impulsiveness and active life position, she becomes overly emotional. Love is given to everyone, without exception, and this may upset her, because not everyone likes suffocating love.

Family and love relationships Leysan

Girls with the name Leysan are very selective, so they get married quite late. She is not going to sit on her husband’s neck, so at the beginning of her life she realizes herself on a professional level, and then thinks about family life.

She considers marriage a serious and responsible step, and therefore treats it with special care. The chosen one for Leysan must be a reliable and promising person, with his own values ​​and foundations that do not contradict hers. She will love her husband with sincere and tender love. In their life there will be no place for heated arguments, breaking of dishes and malicious bickering. Instead, prudent Leysan will wait until passions subside and offer her husband ways to resolve the conflict that has arisen.

For her husband, Leysan is a faithful friend and assistant in various matters.

She becomes a role model for children, they love and idolize her. She is able to inspire her kids to do desperate things and rejoice in victories sincerely and selflessly. As a rule, he has two or three children.

Career Leysan

Active and sociable Leysan can become an excellent employee and have a brilliant career. She has the makings of a leader, but she doesn’t get in over her head, she just does her job and slowly moves towards her goal.

She is ideally suited for the role of mentor, group leader or department head. Strict, but fair. He will always support the endeavors of a young specialist and guide him in the right direction.

Stability and reliability are her main allies in her work. The scientific and technical aspects of the development of her professional activities can be brought to the highest governing body.

The creative profession is no less attractive. Self-reliance and independence instilled from childhood will serve as a good basis for learning to play new musical instruments, new sporting achievements or a new vision of art.

Health Leysan

Health is excellent. Maintains ideal shape throughout life. Hardy. Physically active and with a large supply of vital energy. Sometimes there are apathetic outbursts and if she herself cannot get out of the depressive state, then she can lead herself to depression and stress.

Name Leysan for a child

Little Leysan is a very sociable girl. She easily makes contact with any child and willingly plays with them. Smart beyond her years. She is inquisitive, loves to ask questions and receive comprehensive answers. This is understandable; this quality is in her blood. The parents raise the girl to be obedient, but there is no strictness at all in the house. Laysan is dad’s favorite. They constantly play something together, draw, do creative work and just fool around. The father shows all his masculine love for the baby, and she grows up in harmony and happiness. Studying is not an obstacle for Leysan, she is diligent and inquisitive, but if she is forced to learn or write something, then the girl’s character comes through and she resists it. The room is kept in order regularly and with special care. Mom raises her daughter to be neat and clean. This will be useful in later life.

Little Leysan doesn’t complain about her health, she loves doctors. Due to his activity, from early childhood he has been involved in a creative circle, where he surprises his teachers with his discipline and abilities.

Name days:

are not celebrated, since the name is not in the lists of church calendars

Diminutive version

Laysan, Leysyan, Leysana, Leysanchik, Leysania, Leysanka, Leysanochka


Leysa, Lesya, Lyasya

According to the church



  • blue
  • gray
  • white


  • moon


  • water

Stone talisman

quartz, tourmaline, garnet





Totem animal

snowy owl

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