- History of the origin of the name Larisa
- The meaning and characteristics of the name Larisa
- Character traits of the name Larisa
- Family and love relationships of Larisa
- Choice of profession, business, Larisa’s career
- Larisa’s health
- Name Larisa for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Larisa
The origin of the female name Larisa has two main versions. The simple Latin version is translated from the Latin word “larus” as “seagull”.
The second version is rooted in ancient Greek mythology. From Greek, the word “λάρος” is translated as “seagull” or “sweet, pleasant.” In the Greek province of Thessaly lived the granddaughter of Poseidon, the nymph Larissa. While playing ball on the banks of the Penei River, the girl fell into the river and died. As a monument in honor of the deceased girl, a city was erected named after her – Larissa, now the form Larisa is used. Larissa is the capital of the province of Thessaly. The famous physician and philosopher Hippocrates lived and died in this city. Larisa is also the name of the Polish noble coat of arms, which is used by 35 Polish families of Thessalian origin.
In Orthodoxy, the name Larisa is given in honor of Larisa of Gotf, whose name day is celebrated on April 8. The young girl died along with 300 other Christians in a temple burned by pagans during prayer. One of the warriors gave the girl a chance to escape, but she stayed.
Derived forms of the name: Lara, Larya, Lariska, Larusya, Larunya, Laura, Larochka.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Larisa
The name Larisa creates the impression of the bearer as a very good, bright, beautiful person, with a light and cheerful character. But at the same time majestic, even regal.
The letter analysis of the name takes into account the first three letters, common to both the full and diminutive forms of the name, as well as common to all languages of the Slavic group – LAR. The letter L testifies to refined feelings, extraordinary artistic and artistic talents, the ability to recognize and create beauty, the ability to love, sympathize and accept love. Women with names starting with the letter L know how to appreciate and create a comfortable atmosphere, both for the body and for the soul. They know how to share their experience and knowledge, they know how to talk about their feelings. They strive for a change in impressions, are sociable, proactive, and have considerable imagination. They have a hard time dealing with love failures – they become overwhelmed by problems and may start drinking. The second letter in the name, A, is a symbol of aspirations and undertakings, a penchant for activity, mental and physical comfort, initiative and leadership. In a business that can captivate them, they are ready to improve themselves endlessly.
The letter R in a name adds responsibility, insight, vision, ability to work, activity, self-confidence, determination, determination and passion. But at the same time, it gives the bearer of the name a penchant for risk and adventurism. Women with the letter R in their names are faithful, keep their word, patient and diplomatic. At the same time, they will not allow themselves to be humiliated or broken. They are looking for a friend in a partner.
We can conclude that Larisa is a creative person, proactive, purposeful and active. Larisas are beautiful or know how to present themselves. They do not accept routine and monotony in relationships. But at the same time, they value constancy, friendship, and reliability. The tendency towards adventurous actions is balanced by insight.
Character traits of the name Larisa
Larisa often lives under a mask. Outwardly, she is firm, purposeful, self-confident, cheerful and carefree. But inside she often experiences anxiety, uncertainty, and fear. As a defensive reaction, he shows aggression, can be caustic, sarcastic, and cynical. Larisa’s nature is dual. She can be majestic and submissive, temperamental and meek.
In her youth, Larisa was characterized by excessive impressionability, impulsiveness and frivolity. Mature Larisa is more courageous and decisive, merciful and consistent in her decisions.
Larisa is very vulnerable and even vindictive, proud, so she can hold a grudge in her soul for many years and has a hard time withstanding disappointments, failures and criticism. At the same time, Larisa is not vindictive; rather, she will look for shortcomings in herself. A woman with this name knows what she wants and understands how to achieve it. She is hardworking, ambitious, greedy for praise and encouragement. She tends to manipulate people close to her and can be selfish. Larisa does not like to be frank.
Larisa knows how to be charming, endearing, and has a sense of humor and ease of communication.
Larisa is characterized by high morality, even pedantry and dogmatism. But if she forgives others, she doesn’t forgive herself. Intuition often fails her, especially in her personal life.
Family and love relationships of Larisa
In her youth, Larisa can be led by her impulsiveness and adventurism, which leads to casual love affairs and even the role of the mistress of a married man. Or maybe get married too early. But if this does not happen, the marriage will be late, when youthful vacillations are left behind and the best character traits appear – tolerance, mercy, consistency and determination. If Larisa’s early marriages often bring disappointment, then those concluded after 30 years are strong and happy. Because the adult Larisa chooses not frivolous handsome men, but smart and mature men, albeit with ordinary appearance.
Larisa tends to make mistakes in men. In personal relationships, a mature woman lacks the healthy egoism characteristic of her in her youth. She is gentle, obedient, even submissive; for her, the feelings and experiences of her partner are more important to her. She accepts her man with all his characteristics, does not criticize and does not try to re-educate him for herself. She often has an excellent relationship with her mother-in-law. She is a good wife, but as a mistress it is not easy for her to open up. Isolation, anxiety, and fear of failure interfere. She will not be able to forgive and understand betrayal. For her, this is the end of the relationship, despite the fact that this woman finds loneliness difficult.
Larisa is not good at expressing her feelings; she may seem like a cold and strict mother, although in fact she is very attached to her children. Self-realization is more important to her than comfort and cleanliness in the house; she will not leave her career even for the sake of her children. This is her anchor, what makes her confident in the future, satisfies her vanity. However, order and routine are important to her; she actively involves family members in household chores, using her organizational talents.
A woman with this name will have the best relationships with Andrey, Afanasy, Arkhip, Artem, Vitaly, Victor, Georgy, Evgeny, Maxim, Lavrenty, Yuri. An alliance with Arkady, Valery, Ivan, Veniamin, Vladlen is undesirable.
Choice of profession, business, Larisa’s career
Larisa is a creative, active person. She will find herself in pedagogy, programming, linguistics. Can be an editor, critic, organizer of various events. Usually gives preference to narrow specialties. She is efficient, scrupulous, but does not like to work in a team. Self-expression and personal success are important to her. She has a hard time withstanding unfair criticism, but rarely goes into open conflict with management. It’s easier for her to leave than to defend her position.
If Larisa’s subordinate is not very good, then she is an excellent leader. Personal and career growth is very important to her. She is a talented organizer and optimizer, carefully calculates her decisions, and is responsible. Doesn’t have favorites, prefers equal relationships with all employees. She easily manages to build relationships with partners, thanks to her ability to be charming. Larisa can achieve considerable heights in business, in which much will depend on her personally. She prefers honest partnerships and is a reliable partner herself, but trust can be betrayed because her intuition often fails her.
Mature Larisa will be an excellent educator and educator. She knows how to find a common language with children and has an approach to them. Her gentleness is sometimes excessive, but Larisa is patient, insightful, and knows how to persuade and negotiate.
Larisa’s health
Larisa is developing well and begins to walk early. The appearance of teeth is often accompanied by general malaise. Little Larisas are prone to infectious diseases, they have weak kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. You also need to be attentive to the child’s spine – a swimming pool is perfect for preventing scoliosis. Children with this name may have heart problems and rheumatic pain.
A girl born in March will be in poor health and prone to colds and infectious diseases. Leukemia may develop. For a child born in early spring, it is better to choose a different name.
“June” Larisa will be prone to sore throats of varying complexity.
“July” Larisa especially often develops scoliosis in elementary school. She may have congenital heart defects. If a girl is due to be born in July, it is better to choose a different name for her.
The best sports for a girl with this name are swimming, gymnastics, or a sport that involves outdoor activities. If she does not neglect sports in childhood, adult Larisa usually has good health, is active, and hardy.
Name Larisa for a child
Little Larisa is a calm, obedient child. You can’t allow yourself to become isolated. We need to help her communicate with her peers, teach her to respect others. This will help the girl restrain her natural egoism and develop her inherent kindness and patience. Larisa loves to read and dream. She has a good memory, so she has no problems with studying. She does not strive to be a leader among her friends. Prefers to communicate with adults. Very sensitive to violation of personal space. She does not tolerate people touching her things or entering her room without permission. Larisa is a fashionista and loves beautiful and high-quality things. Loves order.
The girl is very attached to her mother and depends on her emotionally. She reacts sensitively to her mother’s mood and adopts it. If a mother with an unsettled personal life is emotionally unstable, the girl will grow up nervous and anxious, aggravating the internal anxiety and uncertainty inherent in her name. Since childhood, Larisa has had a hard time withstanding criticism and punishment, but she is receptive to encouragement, listens to words and admonitions, and is easy to negotiate with her.
Name days:
8 April
Diminutive version
Larochka, Larusya, Larunya, Larulya, Lorik
Lara, Laura, Larya, Lariska
According to the church
- Orange
- Sun
- air
Stone talisman
Totem animal
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