Origin of the name Lan

The name Lan is a shortened form of Aslan, which is increasingly found as an independent name. Aslan has ancient Turkic roots; his story begins in ancient times during the Persian conquests of Greece. Aslan is translated from Persian as “lion”. Gradually, from the Persian language the name spread to other Arabic languages, and in accordance with the phonetic features of these national languages, it acquired a different sound, and in some places a related, but slightly different lexical meaning. Thus, in Turkish “arsl” is translated as “wild”, and “an” is translated as “beast”.

In other languages, variants of the name Aslan sound like Ruslan – “white lion”, Arslan, Arslen, Arselen. In addition to the abbreviated form Lan, there are others: Alen, Asen, Asan.

Another interpretation of the name Lan is “orchid”. In this variant, the name is common in Chinese.

The name Aslan is popular in Arab countries, among Tatars, Tajiks, Kyrgyz, and in Africa. It can be found in India and Pakistan. It came to Russia during the Middle Ages with the Tatar-Mongol conquerors.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Lan

As a child, Lan was a confident, serious boy. He is attentive to everything that surrounds him. He spends a lot of time with adults, he is interested in listening to their stories and observing their behavior. Lan studies well and tries to earn the love and patronage of his teachers. Both the humanities and the exact sciences are easy for him. Good health and mental physique allow the boy to achieve high results in sports. He can become an excellent runner, swimmer, and football player.

Lan treats his parents with great tenderness. He deeply respects his father, tries to copy his behavior and share his interests. His father remains Lan’s best friend and mentor throughout his life. At the same time, Lan strives for independence; he leaves his parents’ home early and begins to live alone. Already in his early youth, Lan is able to provide for himself; he is ashamed to take money from his parents.

Lan is very hardworking and diligent. He begins to study each case from the beginning, he himself goes through all the stages from initial to final in order to understand the entire work process. Lan strives to achieve success at work and is attracted to leadership positions. He is strict but fair with his subordinates. Lan easily finds a common language both with the team and with his superiors. He knows how to show himself from the best side, is able to correctly and effectively organize his work and the work of the people entrusted to him.

Lan has many friends. He knows how to evoke sympathy among people and strives to acquire useful connections. Lan is very attentive and will never forget to congratulate a friend on his birthday or anniversary. Lan is generous and hospitable, his house is always crowded.

Lan marries early; as a rule, this marriage becomes the only one in his life. He strives to create the most favorable conditions for the family, to surround his wife and children with care and attention. Lan will take control of family affairs into his own hands, but this does not mean that his wife will not have the right to vote. Lan will always take her opinion into account. Moreover, Lan is a supporter of democratic education; he considers children full members of the family and takes their opinions into account too.

Name days:

June 17, November 4

Diminutive version

Lani, Lanchik, Lanushka



According to the church



  • white
  • Orange


  • Lands


  • water

Stone talisman

silicon, diamond





Totem animal


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