The history of the origin of the name Khalida

The name Khalida (خالد) is of Arabic origin. It is translated as “immortal”, “permanent”, “eternal”. Name options: Halita, Khaleda. This name is a feminine version of the common name Khalid in the East.

Khalid ibn al-Walid al-Makhzumi is a companion of the Prophet Muhammad. He fought forty-three battles, and was not defeated in any of them. For his military merits and devotion to Allah, Khallid received the nickname Saifullah – “the sword of Allah.” At the site of his burial, a large, majestic mosque was erected, which has survived to this day.

The name Khalid can be found in Tajik poetry of the Middle Ages by such authors as Nasir, Ibn Sina, Jam. Poets skillfully play on its meaning, praising Khalida’s femininity, beauty and devotion. Her ability to withstand life’s adversities and remain true to herself and her feelings.

The name Khalida is popular wherever adherents of Islam live, in Syria, Iraq, Iran, as well as among Tatars, Tajiks and Kyrgyz. It can be found in India and Pakistan. In Russia it is rare.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Khalida

As a child, Khalida was a lively girl, prone to disobedience and mischief. She is very proud and touchy and never gives in to anyone. Khalida uses any weapon – tears, screams, fasting – to achieve what she wants. Parents need to instill in a girl respect for the wishes and opinions of other people, otherwise she will face troubles in the future. Khalida loves music and cinema, and may be interested in sports. School science is difficult for her, but Khalida tries to study well in order to receive praise.

Khalida needs constant admiration and even praise for her virtues and talents. She carefully monitors her appearance, words and actions. A girl will never commit a reprehensible act, and she will be guided not by internal attitudes, but solely by the fear of becoming an object of condemnation. Khalida is very pragmatic and calculating. She knows how to make friends with the right people and seem better than she really is.

Khalida is smart and resourceful. She strives to take a leadership position in any matter, wants her opinion to be taken into account and respected. Khalida does not tolerate failure well, she never admits her mistakes, and tries in any way to avoid exposure. At the same time, the girl has an iron will and is ready to work hard to achieve her goal.

Khalida is able to find herself in many activities. She has sensitivity, knows how to admire beauty, and understands art. Khalida can become an actress, designer, film critic, or art critic. But more often, ambition and the desire to gain power over people lead Khalida into politics, pedagogy, and business.

Khalida loves to attract the attention of men, she will not tolerate refusal, she can remember the insult and hatch a plan of revenge for many years. Success in love relationships is very important to Khalida. A girl can be carried away by her beautiful appearance or talent, but she will choose only an accomplished, wealthy man as her wife. Khalida will not take risks and wait for her chosen one to build a career and accumulate a fortune. Therefore, very often girls with this name marry older men. In marriage, Khalida is jealous and demands constant attention from her husband and children.

Name days:

February 5, August 10

Diminutive version

Khalidushka, Khalidochka, Lidochka


Khala, Lida

According to the church



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