Origin of the name Karen
There is more than one version of the origin of the name Karen. Some etymologists believe that the name has Armenian roots, but they differ in their exact opinion. Either this name was formed from the ancient Armenian name Kar, which was borne by one of the kings. Either it came from the Parthian (Persian) name Karen. The second version says that this name comes from the Arabic name Karim, translated into Russian – generous, magnanimous, preacher. Another possibility is that this is a Scandinavian name, a male version of the female name Katrin. In Europe, the name Karen is a diminutive title for Katherine. The name is common in southern countries, especially in Armenia. The name does not appear in the Orthodox calendar, but there is a rare consonant baptismal name Karion (name day – December 18). Name days for the name Karen are not celebrated.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Karen
The meaning of the name Karen is “generous”, “generous”, “preacher”, “noble”, “merciful”, “broad-hearted”, “honest”, “honoured”, “respected”, “dear”.
Since childhood, Karen has been a smart, serious, brave, thinking child. This is a philosopher from an early age. He loves to read, absorb information, reflect and analyze what he has learned. He loves, honors, respects, and idolizes his parents. Polite with adults. He studies with varying degrees of success.
With age comes the need for adventure, thrills, and impressions. Gets into situations from which it is sometimes difficult to find a way out. He is daring, brave, courageous, independent, not an ordinary man, an adventurer. He never commits an act against his will; no one will ever be able to impose their opinion on him. Sociable, in any team he is valued and respected, as an employee and as a person. A committed, punctual person, a reliable partner, you can rely on him. Secretive, rarely shows his emotions. Feels comfortable in any team. Whatever he does, he succeeds. Can become a philosopher, psychologist, lawyer, journalist, writer, teacher, politician, civil servant, inventor, doctor, director, actor.
Karen is very handsome in appearance, tall, courageous, and brave. Representatives of the opposite sex pay attention to such a man, but winning his heart is not easy. Values serious relationships and does not scatter attention to everyone at once. If he likes the girl, only then will he make an appointment with her. He takes an ideal girl as his wife, similar to his mother – smart, thrifty, beautiful, kind, faithful, loving. She must always please, be patient, not react to his irritability, and forgive fleeting hobbies. In turn, he is a very caring husband and father, does everything for the family, tries to become a friend to the children. Values and honors family traditions.
Karen has many loyal friends and acquaintances, he is very sociable, with a keen sense of humor. He himself is just as reliable and loyal. The soul of any company. But he can also be closed. Likes to philosophize on deep topics. Charismatic and a pleasure to spend time with.
Karen has no bad habits. He carefully monitors his health and he succeeds. His health is good.
Name days:
Diminutive version
Karenchik, Karenushka, Karik, Karya
According to the church
- silver
- Луна
- Neptune
- land
Stone talisman
Totem animal
post pigeon