Origin of the name Kaleria
The roots of the name come from ancient Greek and Roman cultures. In the first case, the name Kaleria is perceived as a different pronunciation of the name Callirhoe (“beautifully flowing”), which was borne by one of the Oceanids – the daughters of the Titan Ocean in Greek mythology. The root “calle” in any variations is translated as “beautiful” (Calliope – “beautiful-voiced”). The Latin name has an additional shade of charm – “alluring, calling.”
The sound expressiveness of the name Kaleria is contained in flowing softened consonants with a single hard “r”. This is a true embodiment of the character of a woman who, under a calm appearance, hides a raging flame of passions inside, and outwardly seems as unusual and attractive as an exotic indoor flower that bears this name.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Kaleria
Explosive temperament, intolerance and touchiness are three negative traits of the owner of this name, which prevent her from achieving career heights. She has remarkable intellectual abilities, but her excessive straightforwardness and lack of diplomatic skills shatter her dreams of becoming a leader. Although the ability to mobilize forces in a difficult situation, make important decisions, and the ability to defend one’s point of view in a reasoned dispute are advantages that can help her move up the career ladder. Within the business community of Kaleria, it is necessary to learn to maintain a balance between common interests and one’s own ambitions.
In personal communication, the bearer of this name prefers male friends. Her own character traits – courage and determination, the desire to take on a fight and not sit behind the backs of others – help to understand men’s nature and objectively assess their strengths and weaknesses. As for the eccentricity, talkativeness, and tendency to intrigue characteristic of female individuals, Kaleria does not find such properties of the human soul interesting for herself and significantly limits the possibility of such a pastime.
The owner of this name is quick and sharp-tongued; her humor often turns into sarcasm, which can cause deep emotional wounds to those around her. She herself is too touchy by nature, she is easily capable of offending another, but she will never commit deception or betrayal and will never forgive such things in relation to herself.
Professionally, the most interesting thing for Kaleria is working with a large number of people, which carries some creative overtones. Transferring her knowledge and skills, which requires constant concentration, is her strong point. A guide, a teacher, a trainer, a social worker and even a politician – the entire spectrum of “person-to-person” professions is open to her. However, all areas related to the circulation of financial resources and specialties based on painstaking work are contraindicated for her.
In family life, the owner of this name prefers to give leadership to her husband – formally or truly. When choosing a worthy partner, she considers candidates for a long time in order to settle on the most suitable party. In the future, taming her character, getting used to the “husband-wife” symbiosis, she is able to become an excellent housewife and keeper of the house.
Name days:
20 June
Diminutive version
Lerochka, Lerusha, Lerushka, Lerusya, Lerunya, Kalenka, Kalyusha
Lera, Kalya
According to the church
- golden
- Mars
- Луна
- water
Stone talisman
selenite, amber
cabbage, calamus
Totem animal