History of the origin of the name Julius
The name comes from an ancient Greek word, which in a modern way can be read as “yulos” with a literal translation of “curly”, “fluffy-bearded”. The name has its own legend: it comes from the name of the epic Roman hero – the historical character Yul Ascanius. He, together with his father Aeneas, escaped from Troy, which had a second name – Ilion. The hero’s contemporaries began to add it to the original name Askanius, shortening it to the word “yul.”
Ascanius, having become the founder of a separate family, perpetuated the name Julius as a Roman family name. All representatives of the “Julian clan” considered themselves descendants of the gods, since according to legend, the mother of Aeneas was the goddess Venus. The sacred genealogy has always helped the descendants of the family to maintain autocracy during the reign and gave the most famous Julius – the famous Caesar.
In the Orthodox calendar there is no record of the original name; one should focus on July 4 – the date of the Orthodox name day of Julia.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Julius
The energy of the name is characterized by strong character traits: courage, enthusiasm, ambition, independence. But at the same time, they are characterized by kindness, philanthropy, and even vulnerability. Some qualities, such as ingenuity and determination, appear in early childhood, when the baby is ready to tinker with construction sets or dance selflessly for hours. If you encourage a child’s creative abilities in music and choreography, it is possible that he will choose them as his profession.
Parents definitely need to let their child communicate a lot with peers and friends in order to develop leadership qualities and reduce the likelihood of isolation, fixation only on themselves, their selfish interests. Will delight you with school success not only in the compulsory curriculum, but also in additional events – social and sports.
By instilling a passion for sports in early childhood, parents will avoid problems with the child’s health. Lack of hardening and physical activity can cause serious lung diseases such as bronchitis.
Growing up, Julius does not lose his resourcefulness, but is capable of being offended. He does not tolerate even the slightest lies and untruths; even the unpunctuality of people provokes his irritability. He himself will be an ideal comrade.
A dose of practicality will never push him to the brink of bankruptcy; he is always quite successful. This is especially evident if Julius chooses for himself the fields of medicine, economics, and management activities. He loves to travel and can achieve significant heights, thanks to his pride, in the tourism business, and in many other commercial projects.
Being a male knight by nature, he puts the interests of his other half first. This often leads to the end of the first marriage. He can find his personal happiness only with a woman who will completely share his interests. She loves children, but somewhat distantly: constant daily worries can quickly tire her.
Name days:
January 19, January 31, April 12, May 25, May 27, July 1, July 4, August 19, December 3, December 5, December 20
Diminutive version
Yulik, Yulenka, Yulechka, Yulka, Yulchik, Yulyusha, Yul
Julia, Yulik, Yuli, Yulike
According to the church
- silver
- Луна
- water
Stone talisman
water lily, cabbage
Totem animal
crab, owl
Asante. Nimeelewa