Origin of the name Juliet

A name made famous by British poet William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. In Russia, girls are rarely called this way; more often you can find a derivative from it – “Yulia” (Julia). Many people think that these names are synonymous, but more often they are used as two independent names.

To a greater extent, young beauties began to be called Juliets precisely after the famous author’s poem became popular in our country. In ancient times, it was believed that the meaning of the name predetermines the character of the child. As in the book, “Juliet” symbolizes purity, love, nobility, independence and means “from the family of the Julians.”

Meaning and characteristics of the name Juliet

When you mention this name, you immediately imagine a gentle and romantic girl with a fragile soul, but capable of standing up for herself. Juliet from Greek means “curly”, “fluffy”.

In childhood, Juliet is distinguished by obedience, gentleness and calmness. Psychologically, she is more comfortable with her father, but her relationship with her mother may not work out until marriage. Free-willed, strong, does not listen to the advice of others, but at the same time very caring and gentle.

She is romantic and amorous and is always ready to help. She studies well at school, and all subjects come to her with ease. Juliet is a creative person and has an innate talent for drawing and dancing. In her environment she has many acquaintances and friends, has a particularly positive personality trait – loyalty, she is sociable and non-conflict.

Years later, Juliet loves to spend time with friends or in a noisy company, and cannot stand loneliness. She is still as romantic and tender, has high demands on her future partner, which is why she gets married at an adult age, or remains single. Fortunately, there are always a lot of fans hovering around her, which she skillfully uses and sorts through them.

The girl loves to read books, write down important events in her life, plans, and keep a personal diary or diary. Everything related to creativity is not alien to her. She is also a good psychologist and is ready to listen to her friend at any time and support him.

Juliet cooks well and takes care of the house; she turns out to be a wonderful mother and housewife. She prefers professions such as doctor, teacher, tour guide, actress. She cannot stand routine; frequent changes of environment are important to her.

Name days:

February 16, June 27, September 10, July 17, July 28, August 13, August 31

Diminutive version

Juliet, Yulka, Julia, Ulya, Yulushka


Julia, Dzhula, Ulyana, Yulika

According to the church



  • citric


  • Jupiter


  • fire

Stone talisman






Totem animal


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