Meaning and characteristics of the name YULIANA

Juliana was born to be a leader. She is dedicated and true to herself, her goals and talent, which helps her achieve success.

Juliana’s behavior is always natural, which attracts the people around her, forcing them to treat themselves with tenderness and attention. She achieves goals thanks to her strong energy and without making much effort.

If a representative of this name begins to show disrespect towards others, then respect and understanding on their part is lost and it is no longer possible to restore it.

Excessive demands on herself are typical for Juliana. This quality does more harm than good, so it needs to be suppressed at least partially. The situation is similar with the attitude towards others – Juliana divides people into “good” and “bad”, not understanding that every person has advantages and disadvantages and there are no ideal people.

Yuliana is a creative person; she tends to spend a long time looking for her hobby, something she likes, and eventually finds it. A military career or a political career is absolutely not for her, but in art she is “like a duck to water” thanks to her artistry and musicality.

Juliana is emotional, excitable, restless and positive. Everyone dreams of such friends or colleagues. It is easy to find a common language with her, but due to excessive stubbornness, it will not be possible to convince her of anything or impose your opinion.

Juliana does not remember evil, is very good-natured and knows how to forgive. She is sentimental and crying while watching a melodrama is normal for her.

In love relationships she is slightly cold due to her excessive demands on the opposite sex. She takes her choice of husband seriously and gives herself only to the man who meets all her criteria. He will never leave his career, even for the sake of family well-being, and will always prefer work to home affairs. Monotony and everyday life can lead Juliana to depression.

When children appear, Juliana changes for the better, becoming more tender and softer. She is an excellent mother, strives to raise her children correctly, using all kinds of early development programs, and instill in them independence from childhood.

Juliana values ​​her relationship with her parents, feeling sincere gratitude and love for them. He is afraid of offending them and tries to make their life easier without bothering them with his problems.

Name days:

December 9, January 21, February 11, February 19, March 1, March 12, March 29, May 31, June 16, June 25

Diminutive version

Julia, Yulia, Yulenka, Ana


Yulyasha, Yulenka, Yuli, Yulishenka

According to the church



  • violet


  • Neptune


  • water

Stone talisman






Totem animal

electric eel

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