Origin of the name John
The name John is extremely popular in many European languages. It has Semitic roots and comes from the Hebrew “Yohanaan”, which can be translated as “God (Yahweh) is merciful.” Thus, it refers to theophoric names containing a direct mention of God.
The name John came to modern English from Latin, which, in turn, came from Greek. The Helenized Jews used the form Iōannēs, which spread throughout the world, changing significantly in the process. In the Roman Empire, there was a form of Johannes, which the population of Roman territories gradually changed to suit their dialects, removing the suffixes -us and -es from this name.
This ancient name has left its mark in most modern languages, for example, in Irish it sounds like “Sean”, in Slavic countries the name took the form “Ivan”, and in Spanish it was transformed into “Juan”.
This name was borne by two figures central to all Christian denominations – John the Baptist and the Apostle John.
Meaning and characteristics of the name
It is very important for John to control the situation, but he does not like to be responsible for his actions, so he prefers to be an eminence grise in the shadow of a bright leader. Modesty, restraint and correctness well hide the passions that boil in his heart. John often begins his career as an assistant to an influential person, but sometimes outgrows his patron. However, even having made a brilliant career, he knows how to be grateful to those who helped him at the very beginning.
John is not offended by criticism, although he always tries to know what people think about him. He remembers and analyzes what he hears, trying to find reasons for dissatisfaction with himself. He listens to criticism more in order to obtain an objective view of the situation than in order to identify ill-wishers.
John treats enemies and rivals philosophically, like pieces on a chessboard. A strong opponent earns him respect; he can sincerely admire his opponent’s masterful move. It’s a pleasure to work with John, he knows how to work in a team, doesn’t get irritated over trifles, and can defuse a tense situation with an appropriate joke. The impression is somewhat spoiled by the inability to admit mistakes and the desire to shift responsibility to others.
In his youth, John can hardly be called a monogamous man; he gets carried away easily and is often promiscuous in his relationships. However, most Johns become more serious with age, so a marriage with a settled John may prove stable, especially if the partner is tolerant of his turbulent past.
John has a good imagination, he loves and understands art, is well versed in literature and is often interested in history. He is an interesting conversationalist, although most men with this name prefer to ask questions rather than speak themselves.
When playing sports, John often achieves serious results; he is not afraid of tedious training and is not exhausted by losses. He treats triumphs as a well-deserved reward, and considers any failure to be another important lesson on the path to victory.
John is a hard worker, but sometimes likes to relax, give himself a break and do nothing.
Name days:
February 3, February 4, February 12, March 7, March 10, March 16, April 13, April 20, May 4, May 5, May 11, May 22, May 28, June 1, June 16, June 21, June 28 , July 4, July 19, July 22, July 26, August 8, August 22, September 20, October 1, October 21, October 30, November 15, December 5, December 9, December 27
Diminutive version
Jonik, Jonushka, Josha, Joshka
Joe, Jean, Johnny
According to the church
- violet
- green
- Mars
- Uran
- air
Stone talisman
iron, lead
water lily, rose, bamboo
Totem animal
deer, cobra