Origin of the name Jesus
The modern pronunciation of the name Jesus is a highly corrupted form of the Hebrew name Yehoshua, a shortened form of which is Jeshua or Yeshua. This name was one of the most common in Judea; it is translated into Russian as “God to help” and came to our language from Greece along with the spread of Christianity. Before the Nikon reform, which also affected the language, the name was written as “Isus”. This spelling of this name has remained in many languages, including Ukrainian and Croatian. Throughout the world, the name Jesus has acquired different pronunciations, for example, in Arabic it sounds like “Isa”, in English “Jesus”, and in Spanish “Jesus”.
In addition to the central figure of the Christian religion, this name was borne by several significant biblical figures, among whom Joshua is the most famous.
In Russia, boys are very rarely called by this name, while in countries where the Catholic religion predominates, it is quite common. However, even there this name is given not in honor of Jesus Christ, but in memory of the saints with that name. This name is especially common in Spain, Portugal and their former colonies. There is a feminine form of the name – Jesusa.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Jesus
A child with this name is distinguished by curiosity and sociability from childhood; he begins to read early and has an excellent memory. Jesus loves to be the center of attention, strives for power and is at the same time burdened by it. He is loved at school, his peers like his self-confidence and ability to put his opponent in his place with one word.
He rarely lies, although he will never say unpleasant things to his interlocutor if he can avoid it. He has a wonderful sense of humor; precise and bright jokes are remembered and often lose their authorship. Excellent logic and the ability to think outside the box help him in his studies in science and art.
He is careful in his work, but does not show excessive zeal unless necessary. Jesus reveals himself much better in leadership positions, where his leadership qualities and inexhaustible optimism are very appropriate. Jesus is very receptive to music, has an excellent understanding of it, and often plays musical instruments or sings quite well himself.
It can be difficult with Jesus in a family – he is used to being obeyed, and is not always ready to make compromises. However, he values his wife and children very much, and will do a lot for their well-being.
He loves to travel, goes on long trips with great pleasure, reads a lot about the traditions of other countries, but prefers to live in his homeland.
Despite his desire to dominate, Jesus rarely makes a successful political career, preferring to be in opposition to the existing authorities.
If Jesus begins to play sports, he does so thoughtfully and systematically, with a clear training plan that he strictly follows. Despite the desire to win and be first, Jesus reveals himself much better as a coach. He knows how to spot hidden talent, help a future athlete believe in himself, and at the same time, firmly and delicately point out mistakes.
Name days:
on September 14
Diminutive version
Jesusik, Joshik
Yeshua, Isa, Josh, Je
According to the church
- white
- brown
- green
- Mars
- Venus
- air
- fire
Stone talisman
carnelian, jasper, cognac quartz, pearls
iron, lead
palm, juniper
Totem animal
dog, deer, whale, lizard