Origin of the name Jessica
As is often the case with common names, the name Jessica has several versions of its origin. The so-called Shakespearean name from the comedy “The Merchant of Venice” (Jessica/Jesska was the name of the daughter of the Venetian merchant Shylock), according to one version, derived from the ancient Hebrew male name Ishak/Ishak/Isaac. Alternatively, it is a Scottish name that has roots in the Gaelic language.
The name Jessica is a common European name, very popular in Western culture. In the 70-80s. was not among the TOP 5 most common female names in Europe and America. Since 2004, it has lost ground and moved into the TOP 20, which is explained by the parents’ desire to find a rare name for their daughter. But in Scotland and Ireland the name is still one of the two most popular.
In Russia and the countries of the former USSR, the name is unique and almost never occurs, because traditionally for English-speaking countries. A wonderful, sonorous name can overcome a cultural stereotype and become more in demand thanks to the fashion for rare names.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Jessica
If the name has Hebrew roots, then Jessica, as a derivative of “iskah,” means “prophetess,” “seer,” “clairvoyant,” “fortuneteller.” If the name comes from the Scottish name “Jean” – Jane, Jessie, which goes back to the even older female Gaelic name “Teasaidh/Seasaidh”, which is pronounced Chacey, then Jessica can be translated as “God’s gift”, “steadfast”, ” unshakable.”
And Jessie looks more like a persistent and brave fighter than a mysterious fortuneteller. She is an open, active and very purposeful person! Her principle in life: “The goal is a rocket!” She goes towards her dream, works hard, is absolutely confident in victory and in herself. Being around her and those around her are charged with positivity, energy, and ambition.
At school she is an activist, a bright and kind defender, loves the team and events. She studies well, but she could do better. She does not try hard to study in subjects that are not interesting to her. He cannot be a hypocrite. There are a million friends, Jesse is often the life of the party and the life of the party.
He chooses a profession to his liking, just like any activity – he will do only what is interesting and what he likes. Very hardworking! If necessary, it will break into pieces for the sake of the result. Responsible and serious in her work. Very bright and artistic, oddly enough for such an integral and honest nature, she transforms perfectly – a born actress. Often chooses either creativity or risk, male spheres.
In love, Jessica is an idealist; her first relationship breaks her rose-colored glasses, but then she makes a good choice. Since childhood, surrounded by male attention and friendship, Jessica simply trusts her chosen one too much. Having created a strong family, she will always put it first. She will not be an ideal housewife, but she will be the best wife and mother.
Name days:
There are no Orthodox name days. In Catholicism, Saint Jessica’s feast day is celebrated on May 24th.
Diminutive version
Jess, Jessie, Jessica, Jessushka, Zheka, Jenya, Jackie, Si, Essa, Jenny, Jane, Ginny, Yesika, Yessa, Jessunya
Jess, Jessie, Jackie, Jenya, Si, Jenny, Essa, Yessa, Ginny, Jane
According to the church
- scarlet
- red
- Mars
- fire
Stone talisman
carnelian, citrine
sunflower, elm
Totem animal
Nimependa xana