Origin of the name Jamila
Jamila is the feminine form of the ancient masculine Arabic name Jamil. Translated from Arabic, Jamila means “beautiful, lovely, pretty”, less often “kind”. There is a legend that the Prophet Muhammad personally renamed the woman – the daughter, and according to another version – the wife of his associate Umar bin al-Khattab with the name A’asiyya, which means “rebellious”, to Jamila. The same name was borne by several other companions of the prophet, Islamic scholars and muhaddis.
The name is popular among Muslims all over the world: in Asia, Russia, Africa and even in the USA. Lately this name has been rare among Arabs. But among the Tatars, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz and peoples of the Caucasus it is still popular today. Among the Tatars, the name Jamilya is included as a component in the complex names Zuldzhamilya (beauty with curls), Guldzhamilya (beautiful flower). Turkic peoples have the form of this name – Yamil. There are other variants of the name Jamila, Jamelia, Jamile.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Jamila
According to the sound analysis of the name, Jamila is a strong, courageous, bright and joyful personality. Letter analysis gives a more complete description: sociable, capricious, insecure, impressionable, but meaningful, domineering and strong nature. Jamila is a hardworking, caring, peaceful, intelligent and creative person.
Since childhood, Jamila has been distinguished by her impressionability, emotionality and artistic nature. She is restless, mobile and restless. She finds it difficult to concentrate on one thing. Very sociable, to the point of obsessiveness and importunity, often sticks her nose into other people’s affairs and problems, and is overly curious. At the same time, the girl is full of charm and charm; no one can resist her.
Jamila is distinguished by her sharp mind, logical thinking, and with age she becomes more reasonable, diplomatic and correct. The owner of the name is a fatalist, she lives for today, does not like to make far-reaching plans and accepts circumstances and events as inevitable. He overcomes any difficulties in life with dignity and never gives up. This woman is stubborn, has and defends her point of view, and may be deaf to other people’s arguments and arguments.
The owner of the name knows how to forgive and forget insults. She is patient and knows how to ignore other people’s shortcomings. Jamila is cheerful, sociable, often the life of the party, she has many friends and fans. He treats money easily, does not like and does not know how to save and save. She appreciates beauty and style, loves expensive clothes, jewelry, and takes care of herself. Often has artistic abilities and other talents. He often chooses a creative profession. Although he can develop his own business.
Name days:
Diminutive version
Dzhamilyushka, Dzhamilechka, Dzhamilenka, Dzhamilchik, Dzhamochka, Dzhamushka, Dzhamonka, Dzhamulya, Dzhamulchik, Dzhamusya, Dzhamunya
Ja, Jama, Jammy, Jamka
According to the church
- pale yellow
- Луна
- water
Stone talisman
melon, water lily
Totem animal
doe, owl