- History of the origin of the name Ivan
- The meaning and characteristics of the name Ivan
- Character traits of the name Ivan
- Family and love relationships named Ivan
- Choice of profession, business, Ivan’s career
- Ivan’s health
- Name Ivan for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Ivan
The name comes from the environment of the ancient Jews. It is repeatedly recorded in the Tanakh – the Old Testament, the oral tradition of the Semitic peoples. Initially it sounded like Yohanan or Yoanan. Gradually it turned from national to international, moving to Asia Minor, Greece, Rome. In the ancient world it changed to Yoan, Ioannes, Ioann. It penetrated into the Old Church Slavonic language in the same form.
The spread of Christianity made it popular, since the name was borne by the Forerunner of Christ, the Apostle theologian, dozens of saints, teachers of the church: Damascene, Chrysostom, Climacus. In certain regions, cults of locally revered righteous people were formed, and the name was modified. For example, in England and Ireland it was transformed into Ivan, Sean, John; in Spanish-speaking countries – Juan, Juan; in Scandinavia – Johannes; in France – Jean; in Germany and neighboring areas – Hans, Hans, Johann; in Italy – Giovanni; in Eastern Europe – Jan, Janis, Ivo, Ivan. The far from complete list of variations indicates true popular recognition. Since ancient times, the female analogue has been used.
In Rus’, the official address John was simplified to the usual ones – Ivan, Vanya, Ivasha, Ivanushka, Vanyuta, Iva. They were given to folklore heroes, princes, boyars and peasants. It never went out of fashion: during the Second World War it was a household word for Russians. In the last century, after the establishment of diplomatic ties between the USSR and Latin American states, it came to Latin America.
In modern Russia, it has not lost its leadership position; it is one of the twenty most common male names.
Among the famous people who possessed it: Tsar the Terrible, pioneer printer Fedorov, inventors Pososhkov, Polzunov, Kulibin, painters Shishkin, Aivazovsky, poet Tyutchev, fabulist Krylov, writers Goncharov, Turgenev and many others.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Ivan
Translated from the Hebrew dialect as “The Grace of God”, “Pardoned by the Almighty”, literally – “Yahweh has had mercy”, “The Lord is generous”. Just as Bogdan could be used to name long-awaited heirs or sons on whom hopes were pinned, including in the spiritual sphere.
There is a version that the name owes its appearance to the ancestors of the Russians – the Indo-Aryans. Slavic myths tell about the first man, the son of the goddess Devan – Vanya. His name in Sanskrit is interpreted as “person”, “clan”, “tribe”.
The sound of the name reveals laconic beauty, kindness, lightness, greatness, joy, optimism and light. The pronunciation is not harsh, not rude, it evokes inspiration, and is associated with blessing and well-being. “Vanya” contains notes of masculinity, courage, and power. He has strong positive energy.
Astrologers believe that it is associated with the Sun, Jupiter, and the constellation Sagittarius; talisman – diamond; shades – white, blue, red, orange; symbols – horse, ladybug; plant – birch; flowers – chamomile, rosehip; element – water.
Character traits of the name Ivan
Vanya is a contradictory nature; he mysteriously combines good nature and hot temper, fearlessness and indecisiveness, impulsiveness and calmness.
As a rule, he is responsive, open, strong-willed, sociable, values friendship and devotion. He is able to forgive his friends, but resentment hurts him. Overly trusting, naive. Believes in higher justice, does not take revenge, but is unpredictable when angry.
Ivans are distinguished by their quick reaction, are not lazy, reasonable, and responsible. They carefully consider every step and want everything to work out fairly. Excessive timidity prevents them from asserting themselves.
The designated person does not like to obey, but power does not attract him either: he is satisfied only with independence and respect in society. Success is not achieved immediately.
The bearer of the name’s cunning and flexibility are replaced by stubbornness and uncompromisingness, especially when it comes to the interests of relatives or his own priorities.
Generous, ready to help, knows how to sympathize. His fate is not easy, he persistently fights against circumstances, and endures trials with dignity. He stubbornly achieves his goal, but when he gets close to it, he may suddenly renounce it. Changes hobbies, interests, inquisitive, quick-witted.
Impeccable morality keeps him from unseemly acts. Intuition is poorly developed, he makes mistakes in people, makes rash decisions, and it is difficult for him to decide on behavior in key situations.
A supporter of traditions and proven values, at the same time he opposes routine, is active and active.
Family and love relationships named Ivan
Family, home – this is the basis of life for Vanya. He enjoys the company of lovely ladies: the latter reciprocate his feelings, although he falls in love with only one girl, remaining faithful to her. The feelings of this boyfriend are deep and stable. He does not deceive his chosen one and he himself will not tolerate lies or betrayals.
Looking for a reliable, decent, affectionate wife. Spectacular appearance is a secondary criterion for selecting brides; flighty beauties irritate him. He likes a simple, sincere wife, an exemplary housewife. Ivan is far from home responsibilities: sometimes he fixes something. However, order and comfort in the home, in his opinion, are an indispensable attribute of happiness. He invites guests: sometimes relatives and acquaintances spend the night or live in his house. The subject’s companion will have to come to terms with anxiety.
A serious drawback of the owner of the name is the lack of concessions to the missus. If the marriage is unsuccessful, he is in no hurry to tie himself with the knot of Hymen again, remaining a bachelor. He tries to preserve the family union until the end; he experiences divorce acutely.
John is an exemplary family man and father. He devotes himself with pleasure to the younger generation, participates in their upbringing, and agrees to adopt a child or marry a woman with children.
Ivan’s sexuality is clearly expressed, but spiritual intimacy is more significant for him. He prefers consistency, changing partners and experiments are not for him. Moderately relaxed, gentle, strives to give pleasure to his mistress, for which he is rewarded with reciprocal affection.
A harmonious couple with Alla, Valentina, Ekaterina, Adeline, Vasilisa, Daria, Irina, Elizaveta, Claudia, Maria, Zoya.
Choice of profession, business, Ivan’s career
It is striking that Vanya can handle any job: the man copes with hard physical labor, sublime creativity, research activities, crafts and military affairs with equal conscientiousness. The reason lies in innate hard work, perseverance, and energy. If he has periods of idleness, then the individual in question spends them thinking about future prospects.
Compares vacancies, both on the basis of prestige, and simply looking for a “quiet” place.
He enjoys authority in the team – his ease, funny jokes, and approachability impress his colleagues. As a subordinate is executive; in the role of a boss, he is demanding, impartial, concerned about the convenience of employees and a good psychological climate.
Entrepreneurship will bring him success in tandem with an experienced partner who offers rational solutions, because Ivan hesitates and lacks the inflexibility characteristic of businessmen. Thrifty in financial matters.
Earning money is not an end in itself, although wealth is significant for Ivan, he craves an impressive income. He often opens a workshop for handicraft production: “master – golden hands” – that’s about him. Numerous applied talents protect him from the status of unemployed.
Ivan’s health
As a child, Vanyusha is frail and sickly, but as he matures, he hardens, becomes strong and resilient. Closer to old age and with neglect of health, he suffers from diseases of the spine, heart, lungs, nervous system, stomach and kidneys.
He should avoid lifting excessive weights, eat right, drink enough fluids, give up bad habits, and not be in damp, cold rooms. It is important to visit doctors in a timely manner, avoid stress, and remain in a state of mental comfort. Of course, proper rest, walks and physical activity are necessary.
Various sports are suitable for Ivan: strength, team, martial arts. Exercise not only affects your well-being, but also allows you to relieve emotional stress without alcohol and nicotine. Unfortunately, the bearer of the name often smokes and abuses alcohol, which worsens chronic pathologies, increases injuries, and the likelihood of contracting tuberculosis.
Disruptions sometimes lead to dermatitis and psoriasis – it would not be superfluous to master the skills of relaxation, auto-training, and a relaxing massage. Phytotherapy courses, treatment with electromagnetic fields, water and mud procedures are advisable.
Name Ivan for a child
Vanya seems to be an independent baby, but she experiences a tremendous need for parental love and care. Without receiving them, he grows up timid or, conversely, a hooligan. This is a sweet, mischievous boy.
At school he is rarely considered an excellent student; he lacks perseverance, so it is important to teach him to concentrate.
He willingly responds to the requests of his elders, a constant assistant for mom and dad, grandparents, and loves when he is involved in cultivating the garden and cleaning. Early masters the basics of repair and construction operations. He is flattered when he is taken fishing and trusted with “adult” assignments.
In adolescence, he is sensitive to ridicule: he will need to be taught to ignore such attacks directed at him.
It is recommended to give the name to those born under different zodiac signs, except for Pisces, Capricorn and Leo.
It is harmoniously complemented by the patronymics Artemovich, Andreevich, Maksimovich, Pavlovich, Romanovich, Ivanovich.
Name days are celebrated over a hundred times a year, the most significant ones falling on January 20, March 9, July 7 and October 9.
Name days:
January 2, January 11, January 27, February 13, February 17, February 23, June 13, June 20, June 25, September 2, September 7, September 12, December 2, December 10, December 30, December 31
Diminutive version
Ivanushka, Ivashka, Ivanka, Vanechka, Vanyushka, Vanyusha
Ivasik, Ivasya, Ivasha, Vanya, Vanka, Vanyukha, Vanyok, Vanyochek
According to the church
- white
- Sun
- Jupiter
- water
Stone talisman
birch, chamomile, rosehip
Totem animal
horse, ladybug