History of the origin of the name Ismail
Ismail is a male name with two versions of origin. Interestingly, both of them are associated with the same legendary biblical hero – the eldest son of the prophet Abraham and his slave named Hagar, described in Genesis. Based on the biblical version of the origin of the name Ismail, the prophet’s son was originally named Ishmael, which is translated from Hebrew as “let God hear.” Ishmael was exiled with his mother to the Arabian desert, where he survived, married and gave rise to 12 small tribes of Bedouins who settled the desert between Egypt and Canaan. They controlled the movement of trade caravans through their territories. The Arabs of the Arabian Peninsula and even the Prophet Muhammad are considered descendants of the Ishmaelites. In Russian, the form of the name “Izmail” is more often used.
The Islamic view on the origin of the name Ismail, which in Arabic sounds like Ismail, differs from the biblical one only in translation. In Arabic, the name means “may Allah hear” or “Allah hears.” If Christians and Jews treat Ismail as a renegade and traitor to the faith, then among those who profess Islam he is respected as a prophet and progenitor of part of the Arab people. Muslims use a form of the name Ismail, often with emphasis on the second syllable.
In Greek the name sounds like Ismail, in Latin – Ismael. In the Orthodox tradition, Ismail celebrates name days on June 30, September 23 and November 17, and in the Catholic tradition – on June 17.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Ismail
The name Ismail characterizes the owner as a good, soft, feminine-tender, bright, simple, beautiful, easy-to-communicate, slightly slow person. A literal analysis of the name creates the impression of its bearer as an impressionable, artistic, peace-loving nature, not devoid of common sense, logic, strength and even authority, hardworking and caring.
Little Ismail is resourceful and stubborn. The boy is a great dreamer and inventor; he does not tolerate routine activities or pressure. He is energetic, brave, ambitious. In addition, Ismail is distinguished by his kindness and generosity. A child with this name is cheerful, smart, but selfish and can be impudent.
Growing up, the bearer of the name retains his inconstancy and unpredictability. He is very dependent on his own mood and changing circumstances. Developed intuition and the ability to foresee the development of a particular situation helps him control the situation. Ismail is a lover of life, he has an easy attitude towards material values, but he values new impressions and bright events. He is sociable to the point of talkativeness, confident in himself and his irresistibility. Can be stubborn and uncontrollable when angry.
Ismail is distinguished by charm, physical attractiveness, loves to flirt, knows how to look after, and is successful with women. He begins his sexual life early and gets married early. Often the decision to get married is made impulsively and thoughtlessly, which is why the first marriage often breaks up. A calm, reasonable woman who is able to control his impetuosity and ardor is suitable for Ismail. The bearer of the name loves and pampers children, and remains a friend and reliable support for them all their lives.
Ismail cannot be called a careerist, but, nevertheless, he is ambitious. It is important for him to develop his abilities and talents, success and recognition are important. Often the owner of the name chooses creative professions (musician, photographer, artist) or those related to travel and tours (journalist, sailor, artist). In any case, it is important for Ismail to be able to make a choice and focus on one thing, not waste time on trifles, and avoid bohemian life, otherwise his emotionality and impetuosity will lead to professional and personal collapse.
Name days:
June 17, June 30, September 23, November 17
Diminutive version
Ismail, Izya, Isa, Isma, Ismik, Smail, Smiley, Zyama, Ish
Izmailka, Malya
According to the church
- blue
- Jupiter
- air
Stone talisman
pear, basil
Totem animal
sheep, swallow