Origin of the name Isabella

The sonorous name Isabella, symbolizing nobility and generosity, has Spanish roots; in literal translation it means “Beauty”, “Most Beautiful”, “Charming One”. There is also a theory that this feminine name comes from the Provençal name Isabeu, which is a derivative form of the famous name Elizabeth. Literally translated, it means “dedicated to the Lord,” “God is my oath.” In European countries there are many variations of this name – Isabel, Isabella, Isabel, Isavella.

Characteristics of the name Isabella: main character traits

The owner of the name Isabella is a warlike and temperamental person, prone to impulsive actions. As a child, he is a very active and mischievous child who achieves many things by shouting. Isabella is a real fidget and even a hooligan who is difficult to keep in place. She loves to play with boys, among whom she is highly respected. Matured Isabella is actively interested in fashion, art, and the world of show business. Her sociable and cheerful disposition always attracts people, which is why she has many friends. Friends and close relatives appreciate her for her charm, inexhaustible energy, and optimism. She loves company and often leads a creative lifestyle, joining the so-called “bohemian” crowd. Despite her unpredictability and impetuosity, Isabella is very hardworking and persistent in the area that interests her. Perseverance and prudence usually come to her in the second half of her life. She has a developed organizational gift, the ability to unite people around her. Most often she works in such areas as the fashion industry, commerce, trade, modeling, and various fields of art. As a rule, she earns well and likes to spend money on herself. Isabella has great taste, she is aware of all fashion trends. Isabella makes an energetic and enterprising boss, determined to achieve maximum results. However, we should not forget about her warlike disposition: as an enemy she can be very insidious and vindictive. Isabella rarely compromises, and if she started a war, she will always go to the end. Positive character traits: openness, hard work, leadership qualities. Negative character traits: hot temper, unpredictability, superficiality.

What is Isabella like in love?

Love relationships are an area in which Isabella always plunges headlong. In her youth, she is an amorous and very passionate person, often changing fans. Over the years, pickiness comes to her, and she approaches the choice of a life partner more seriously. Having met a worthy man, Isabella will be a faithful wife and an excellent mother. With her characteristic swiftness and pressure, she will take on the creation of a family nest. Family life can be a little complicated by its explosive nature. But soon Isabella’s husband will understand that she is easygoing and open, and does not hold a grudge. Isabella easily smooths out family conflicts with charm, generous gifts, and cheerful parties, which she loves to throw.

Name days:

February 22, February 23, March 16, July 14, September 3

Diminutive version

Isabelochka, Isabellonka, Isabelushka, Isabelchik, Izochka, Izushka, Izonka


Izabellka, Iza, Bella, Bel, Ella

According to the church



  • dark blue


  • Venus
  • Луна


  • fire

Stone talisman





cedar, fig, tulip

Totem animal

zebra, falcon

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