- History of the origin of the name Irina
- Meaning and characteristics of the name Irina
- Character traits of the name Irina
- Irina’s family and love relationships
- Choice of profession. Business, career of Irina
- Irina’s health
- Name Irina for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Irina
The name IRINA originates in Ancient Greece and has a close connection with the goddess of peace and tranquility with the consonant name Eirene. Translated from ancient Greek, Irina means “the giver of peace and tranquility.” Among the ancient Slavs, the name Irina was popular only among the lower classes of the nobility, and among the common people this name was often modified and slightly different forms were used – Arina and Yarinya.
In Orthodoxy, Irina’s name day has not one, but two dates. The first name day date is April 29 according to the church calendar, and it is associated with the holy martyr Irene of Corinth, who was publicly executed for her faith on the day of Holy Easter. The second name day date is May 18 in honor of the Great Martyr Irene of Macedonia, who was burned at the stake for her faith.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Irina
“Irina” means peace, so she approaches any issues with peace: she is not scandalous, not quick-tempered, and in communication with others she is calm and balanced. Before saying something, she thinks it over a hundred times, so offending others is not Irin’s prerogative.
Irinas are overly understanding; they have an overdeveloped sense of empathy and the ability to hear others. Thanks to these qualities, they are popular with people around them and know how to truly make friends, showing themselves in any situation as loyal comrades and reliable friends. At the same time, their circle of friends is sharply limited and consists of time-tested people, and it is quite difficult for beginners to get into this circle, and almost impossible.
In this regard, many internal experiences arise, since being able to open up completely and completely to a fairly narrow circle of people, giving all of themselves to friendship, Irina demands the same from those around her, but, not receiving reciprocity, in most cases they are disappointed, and only over time come to the understanding that true love in all its manifestations is not pain, not sacrifice, but a reward built on strength of character and leading to spiritual growth.
Irina believes in herself and does not betray herself, no matter what happens. Due to their internal structure, they believe in love for the people and in the people themselves.
Character traits of the name Irina
Irina, already in childhood, is quite independent and mature beyond her years. They are absolutely not sentimental and are unlikely to cry over the film. In society, they are more likely to be friends with the male sex than with the female sex, since it is much easier for them to find a common language with a man than with a woman.
At a young age, Irina’s character is fickle and dual, which makes them illogical and leads to many problems. Duality is also characterized by harshness: being good-natured, warm-hearted by nature, even to their own detriment, they are capable of becoming rigid egoists in the pursuit of personal gain, while sacrificing the interests of loved ones.
Irina are airy and can soar in the clouds for hours, be absent-minded and dreamy. They endlessly make plans, but on the way to achieving them they are extremely focused and result-oriented, believing that all means are good to achieve the goal. When doing important work, they bring their personal vision to it, deviating from templates and cliches. But if Irina does not see any benefit for herself, then she is unlikely to complete the work she has begun, since without interest, most people give up.
Irins are characterized by self-control, they know how to control themselves in any situation, in a conversation you can feel the thoughtfulness and balance of every word. Irina bosses will never allow themselves to raise their voices at their subordinates, considering such behavior to be humiliation of themselves. For them everyone is equal.
Irinas have subtle taste, common sense and their own opinions, which they do not always express, but which they strictly adhere to. They are slow, but thorough and even scrupulous, sometimes to the point of meticulousness.
Irina’s family and love relationships
From birth, Irina is more attached to her father, and she can sit on his lap and hang on his neck until she graduates from school, considering this the norm and a manifestation of her love. As a child, he doesn’t go on stage. She will not recite poetry at home, standing on a stool in front of numerous relatives, and no amount of persuasion will help; she would prefer to this activity quiet picking with toys in the back room. You shouldn’t pay too much attention to Irin in childhood: when they get into its center, they get lost and turn into silent people, and in this case it’s extremely difficult to get them to talk. The relationship with her mother is ideal: Irina does not tolerate rudeness, she will not be rude, she will silently listen and do what her loved one asks her to do. Throughout his life he feels a sense of duty towards his parents, and therefore tries to bring bright colors into their lives. She is overly sensitive to experiences in the family; nothing brings her to tears except close people and situations with them.
Irina is amorous, but does not jump into the pool headlong due to her distrust and prudence. She clearly sees what kind of man she needs, builds ideals and strives for them. Having found such a man, he can throw the world at his feet and do everything to tie two destinies for life through marriage. She is able to pull her loved one out of any hole to her own detriment, but will be happy knowing that her man is safe. Zealously helps his other half to achieve heights and sincerely rejoices at his success.
Even being married, Irina never ceases to be in demand among men. She needs a male environment and communication, as she feels like a fish in water in their environment.
In marriage, Irina is a faithful wife, allowing light flirting on the side, she will not be able to forgive herself for this, remorse is so strong that for her momentary weaknesses are not worth such further torment.
Irina is an excellent mother and will do everything for her baby to make him happy and healthy, but being a homemaker weighs her down, depresses and torments her, so Irina finds 1000 ways to avoid it or find something to do while on maternity leave.
She loves variety in sex, is emotional and depraved. It is important for her that her partner has fun with her. She is open to sexual experiments and is not ashamed of it.
Choice of profession. Business, career of Irina
Due to her slightly masculine, persistent character, Irina often attends sports clubs and often achieves heights in sports. She strives for a high standard of living and already at school dreams of a future career and the status of a businesswoman, this gives her an incentive to enter prestigious universities. More often, Irinas have a sharp mind, tact, and scrupulousness; because of this, they are employed in the field of exact sciences, diplomacy, and jurisprudence. At the same time, risk, fraud, deception and adventures are alien to them; success is achieved through hard work and sweat.
Praise is a powerful incentive for Irina, and criticism can affect the pace of work for the worse.
Irina is also well suited for such professions as teacher, fashion designer, doctor, hairdresser, psychologist, but at the same time they categorically do not see and do not find themselves in creativity.
Irina’s health
Irina’s health is generally good. It is worth paying special attention to the kidneys, heart and pulmonary system. Having dealt with the problems of the lungs, the remaining organs and systems will recover on their own. The best way to enhance lung function are walks in the fresh air, in the forest, morning or evening jogging, sports such as rhythmics, water aerobics, and simple daily exercises at home.
Irina carefully monitors her health and treats any disease to the end, preventing its progression or complications, while using and trusting both conventional and folk medicine.
Name Irina for a child
Irina is a very sensitive child; she has been familiar with the feeling of concern and anxiety since childhood. She is a little withdrawn, being among a large number of people is alien to her. When she finds herself in such an environment, Irina is constrained, withdrawn, and it takes a lot of time to loosen up. She grows up as a decent and obedient girl, very dependent on her parents and shows all her love and affection in hugs and tenderness.
She fulfills her duties to the maximum and gets a solid A, she is diligent and hardworking, clean and loves order in everything. As a child, he does not accept injustice, he is easily offended, it is difficult to move on and forget insults, and he forgives other people’s insults with difficulty or does not forgive them at all.
Name days:
January 12, January 16, February 26, March 7, April 29, May 18, May 26, August 10, August 17, August 22, September 30, October 1, November 2
Diminutive version
Irinka, Irishka, Irinka, Irisha, Irusha, Irunya, Irusya, Irochka, Ironka, Irushka, Erina, Irinya, Inulya
Ira, Irka, Ina, Irena, Irene, Irene, Irena, Rina, Rena
According to the church
- Venus
- land
Stone talisman
copper, platinum
chestnut, lavender
Totem animal
owl, termite