Origin of the name Insaf

The name Insaf has several origins. The first option traces it back to the ancient Greek word “ἔπαινος” – praise. It was believed that this name was borne by one of the nymphs who accompanied the god Apollo, the patron of the arts and creative people.

The second option states that the name Insaf (إنصاف) is of Arabic origin. This is a complex name consisting of two roots: “in” – most and “saf” – pure. Literally translated as “the purest.” There is also a more expanded interpretation, according to the Koran the name Insaf means “fair”, “conscientious”.

The name Isaf is common among Muslims. Its deep meaning and connection with the Qur’an contribute to this. This is what sons are called in truly religious families in the hope that the child will grow up fair and honest. After all, according to one of the key provisions of Islam, happiness is impossible without these two qualities.

Currently, the name Insaf is very popular among the Tatars, as well as in India and Pakistan. In European countries it is found only in Muslim communities. It is also not widespread in Russia.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Insaf

From early childhood, Insaf is a kind and reasonable boy. He plays little pranks, but he studies and reads a lot. Insaf is a good student and has a broad outlook. He loves and respects his parents and always listens to their advice. The boy plays sports, but sports for him is just a way to have fun with friends; awards and victories do not interest him. He places much more energy and hope in his studies. He tries to be the best in his class and participates in competitions.

Insaf always keeps his word, you can rely on him in any life situation. If Insaf made a promise, he will fulfill it, even if for this he has to make some sacrifices, give up his time and comfort. Friends value and respect Insaf for these qualities. Insaf will never pass by a beggar, he will share his last coin. May spend weekends helping the poor and disadvantaged.

Insaf is very reasonable, he loves to plan, calculate, and reason. He carefully chooses a profession that would bring him a good, stable income. He can study in several faculties at once in order to be able to choose the best in the future. But the financial component is not the main one for him; Insaf will not be able to work productively if his soul is not in his chosen business. He is creative and intellectual, he can become an artist, writer, journalist, host of a program about history or art. Very often, Insaf chooses to work in the police, or may become a military man or a doctor. He also feels good in the scientific field, quickly receives an academic degree, and his research usually finds wide practical application.

Insaf takes the family very seriously. He wants his chosen one to devote herself entirely to the home and children. May dream of adopting an orphan. A woman who decides to marry Insaf must understand that she will not be able to combine career and family with this man. Insaf demands complete dedication, tenderness, and thriftiness from his wife, but he himself is ready to pay in kind. He loves to furnish the house and is ready to do repairs with his own hands. He devotes a lot of time to children.

Name days:

May 20, November 8

Diminutive version

Insafchik, Insafushka



According to the church



  • Saturn


  • air

Stone talisman

moonstone, rock crystal





Totem animal


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