History of the origin of the name Inna

There are several versions of the origin of the female name Inna. The most popular of them comes from the word Innás, which is translated from Greek as “stormy stream”, and from Latin as “floating (crying) mountain stream”.

The second version is a male Old Slavic or Scythian name, which, due to a copyist error, became female. This name was borne by one of the disciples of the Apostle Andrew, a native of Scythia Minor, the Slav Inna Novodunsky. The name of his brother Rimma suffered the same fate.

There is also a Sumerian version, according to which Inna is the name of the central Sumerian goddess Inanna, adapted to the peculiarities of the Old Russian language. She is the patroness of fertility, love, family life, as well as justice and victory. If we turn to the modern literal translation of the name, then from Polish “inna” is translated as “other”, and from Italian the word “inno” is translated as “hymn”. The name Inna is often associated with the name Inessa. But these names have different origins and meanings. Sometimes the form Inna is used as a diminutive for complex names, such as Agrippina, Antonina, Inessa, Ellina and others.

The following variants of the name Inna are common: Innushka, Innochka, Ina, Inusya, Inulya, Inyuta, Inyusha, Nyusha and Nyusya.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Inna

The name Inna has a bright and meaningful sound. A woman with this name is associated with the following characteristics: good, feminine, gentle, bright, simple, beautiful, smooth, smooth, light, safe, joyful, round, but weak, fragile. There is no strength, pressure, courage in her. This is a delicate flower, not a warrior. Moreover, literally all forms of the name have these phonosemantic properties, and even Nyusha and Nyusha, who differ only in their kindness.

The letter analysis of the name largely confirms the sound one. The initial letter of the name I determines the sophistication of the bearer’s nature, grace, spirituality, love of art, sensitivity, kindness, gentleness, romance, subtle irony and humor, healthy skepticism, covered with ostentatious efficiency and pragmatism. This is a woman who brings harmony to the world around her.

The double consonant N explains the presence of a sharp mind, the desire for mental and physical health, selectivity in communication, in words and deeds, inner strength, responsibility, honesty, and diverse interests. A woman with this name is diligent and diligent, but suffers from monotony and monotony. She is charming, knows how to stand up for herself, and can be contradictory.

The vowel A, present in almost all forms of the name, is a symbol of any endeavor, a symbol of the desire for mental and physical harmony. The owners of this letter in the name are hardworking, have leadership qualities, are proactive, independent, but also do not tolerate monotony and routine, both in relationships and in work.

Character traits of the name Inna

Inna radiates light, she is characterized by lightness, attractiveness, simplicity, cheerfulness and even frivolity. By temperament she is sanguine, a balanced person, but not assertive. Melancholy and depression are not typical for her. This woman is reliable, holistic, independent, self-confident. She easily adapts to changes in life circumstances, does not conflict, is not vindictive, and knows how to forgive and let go of grievances. She is tolerant of other people’s shortcomings and weaknesses. But she is friends with strong, successful people, most often her friends are men. She is a good, loyal and generous friend.

Inna always has her own opinion, but never imposes it on others; she is principled, stubborn, punctual and responsible. She has an analytical mind, she does not throw away her abilities, but diligently develops them. This is a real erudite, he knows how to speak witty and appropriately about everything in the world. Secretive, even closed, but, defending justice, she can speak out harshly and harshly. If irritated, she can be aggressive in response to criticism. She cannot be called a diplomat; compliance costs her a lot of effort.

The owner of this name is always busy and energetic, she tries not to miss a single significant or interesting event in her life. In pursuit of new experiences and personal achievements, Inna may refuse the opportunity to have a family or relegate it to the background. Self-realization, creativity, the feeling of being needed and irreplaceable are very important to her. This is a city woman. She loves noisy companies, dancing, and communication. Loneliness is not for her.

A woman with this name loves shopping, quality cosmetics and clothes. Inna is impatient, can be quick-tempered, suspicious, and needs attention and a friendly atmosphere. This is a sensual, emotional and passionate nature. Has an easily excitable nervous system. If emotions run high, you may lose control of the situation. Thanks to his cheerful disposition, sense of humor and energy, he is often the leader in the company. She is kind, knows how to sympathize and have compassion. She loves animals, but often leaves the care of her pet to her loved ones.

A woman with this name, born in winter, is self-confident, quick-tempered and harsh, “autumn” is serious and inquisitive, is in no hurry to make decisions, can organize herself and others, “summer” is not afraid of conflicts, stubborn, intriguing; born in spring is an unpredictable and eccentric extravaganza.

Inna’s family and love relationships

Inna is a flirt, she loves and knows how to flirt, loves to be the center of male attention. She exudes sexuality, sensuality, femininity.

Inna loves long foreplay, beautiful words and other surroundings of romance and voluptuousness. She loves sex, understands herself and her partner, knows how to give and receive pleasure, but she puts her feelings at the forefront. She may seem cold, but her inner experiences are very stormy. Due to her natural shyness, she can be constrained, but upon closer and more confidential acquaintance she reveals herself as an affectionate, gentle and sophisticated lover. This is facilitated by the experience of the partner. A hasty partner will face disappointment, and Inna will experience a loss of self-confidence. Inna is honest and faithful in relationships, which is what she expects from her partner. Very jealous. Painfully experiences betrayal and scandals in the family.

Self-sufficient and sociable Inna is in no hurry to get married. Self-realization and personal freedom are important to her. Marriage with this woman is not easy for the partner. She strives for leadership, and at the same time depends on the attention of her partner. She is demanding of her husband, but she also expects praise, support and encouragement from him.

The marriage of the bearer of this name does not last long. In the event of a divorce, he may give up trying to build a new family. Inna is happy only with an open, honest and devoted man. Her chosen one is usually older than her, but even if he is younger, he still has a strong and strong-willed character. Does not allow outside interference in family relationships. Out of pride, a woman dreams that her family and children will be the best; the imperfections of those close to her cause her pain.

Inna is a very responsible and strict mother. She devotes a lot of time to the upbringing and comprehensive development of children, and spares neither time nor money for additional classes, clubs and sections. The children respect her, but are afraid of her. She is characterized by overprotectiveness, which can ruin relationships with children in adolescence. Inna cooks well and enjoys it. But in everyday life she often delegates most of the responsibilities to her husband and children.

The most successful marriage would be with Arkady, Artem, Alexander, Andrey, Alexey, Veniamin, Vladimir, Victor, Gennady, Konstantin, Lev, Leonid. It will be difficult to build relationships with Vasily, Vlad, Vadim, Ivan, Nikolai, Roman and Dmitry.

Choice of profession, business, Inna’s career

Inna can achieve success in any field. Sociability, understanding of people, infectious enthusiasm, talent for persuasion, adequate assessment of her abilities, and hard work make her an indispensable employee. She can be a doctor, an engineer, a trade worker, a translator, a tour guide, a literary or theater critic, a professional athlete, a teacher, a journalist, an event organizer, a lawyer, a bank employee, or a pastry chef.

Inna’s childhood creative hobbies often develop into a profession. She can be a singer, actress, artist, fashion designer, photographer, or write poetry. Usually Inna tries to develop within the framework of her once chosen profession, but if she is captivated by a new business, she will easily change her occupation.

“Autumn” or “winter” Inna can manage a store or cafe, she can work as an accountant, engineer, programmer, but “spring” and “summer” Inna is more suitable for creative professions.

The owner of this name can safely be entrusted with the management of a hospital, school, kindergarten and even a correctional colony.

Inna will be happy to work in the family business. She can start her own business and will be a good business partner. She is full of ideas, knows how to present herself, is a master at making business contacts, knows how to convince and persuade partners, and understands advertising.

Inna’s health

Since childhood, Inna’s health has depended on genetics. Jaundice, allergic reactions, cholecystitis, diseases of the lymphatic and endocrine systems, and the spine can be inherited by a girl from her mother.

The name Inna is also associated with a high risk of developing diseases of the nervous system, which is aggravated by her increased excitability and emotionality.

In childhood, a girl may lag behind in physical development, begins to speak and walk later than her peers, and is very susceptible to viral diseases.

Terminating a pregnancy for Inna is dangerous due to the development of infertility.

A woman with this name is prone to obesity, so proper nutrition and physical activity are necessary for her from childhood, this will help avoid those diseases to which she is predisposed.

Name Inna for a child

Innochka is a beloved and often only child. This is a diligent, neat and smart girl. If you don’t let her be lazy, she will be an excellent student, but the monotony of schoolwork spoils the pleasure of gaining new knowledge. For a girl named Inna, alternative forms of education are suitable. Her energy and artistry must be harnessed, for which dancing, gymnastics, and figure skating are perfect.

Little Inna is often interested in creativity – she draws well, sculpts, and weaves bead jewelry.

Innochka is very capricious, her heightened emotionality often turns into stubbornness. She really values ​​her personal space and her things, and really doesn’t like to share. As you age, having to share your belongings is also stressful. It is important to teach her to give in and negotiate, control emotions, calm down, and lose.

Little Inna is her mother’s daughter, she always tries to do everything with her mother, and it is from her that she learns the basics of cooking and housekeeping. But she has neither ability nor interest in needlework.

The girl loves to sleep. The peculiarity of this child is honesty, she will not lie or get out. She is very inquisitive, loves to ask questions and express her opinions, which are unusual for a child. Her sociability is akin to talkativeness.

This is an active, mobile child. She is always surrounded by friends and acquaintances, and is often the leader in the company, but she does not follow her friends’ lead. She is attracted to creative circles: music, singing, acting, drawing.

Name days:

February 2, July 3

Diminutive version

Innochka, Innushka, Inchik, Inusya, Inuska, Inulya, Inulka



According to the church



  • Orange


  • Sun


  • air

Stone talisman

jade, amber




lemon, forget-me-not

Totem animal


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