Origin of the name Inga

The name Inga has several versions of its origin. According to the most common version, the name Inga originates in Scandinavia. And even knowing the country of birth of the name, historians still cannot come to a single version of the meaning of this name.

It is also believed that the name Inga is of ancient Germanic origin, but there are significantly fewer supporters of this version. According to her, the name is dedicated to the god Ing.

In Scandinavia there are many names that have the root ing (Ingivald, Ingveld, Ingud, Ingitora, Inguni, etc.), it denotes one of the names of the god of fertility Frey (Ingvi), perhaps the name Inga was formed in honor of Frey.

The name Inga also has male analogues – Ingvar, Ingo. In Russian – Igor. There is also a version that the name Inga is a shortened form of the name Ingeborg or Ingrid.

In Orthodoxy, Inga does not have patron saints, so she does not celebrate her name day.

Diminutive forms: Ingusha, Ingusik, Ina, Ingusya, Ingochka.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Inga

According to the first version, the name Inga is translated as “protected by Yngvi” (Old Scandinavian god of fertility).

According to the second version, Inga means “born of the god of abundance Ingvio” or “protected Ingvio.”

As a child, Inga is very drawn to her father; he is an unshakable authority for her. Much later, Inga becomes closer to her mother, but still does not forget her father.

Inga is inquisitive and has many varied hobbies. She loves to read books, enjoys sports and has a passion for needlework.

She is sociable and has many acquaintances, which sometimes harms her. She does not know how to keep secrets, including her own, telling about herself to her many acquaintances, who are not entirely positive towards her.

Inga doesn’t understand people well, she doesn’t see evil in them and trusts them endlessly. This applies not only to friends, but also to your personal life. She may marry more than once, but she will love her husband limitlessly and remain faithful, demanding the same from him.

Inga is very touchy and vindictive, despite her love for people. She may not forgive the offender for years and hatch plans for revenge, trying to offend at any opportunity.

Inga is very dependent on the opinions of others, it is important for her to please everyone and she sincerely worries about any conflicts. She is also proud and in very rare cases she is the first to reconcile.

Inga tends to exaggerate and complicate situations, which she herself is dissatisfied with.

Name days:


Diminutive version

Ingochka, Ingushka, Ingusha, Ingunya, Inusya


Ina, Inka, Inge, Ingi

According to the church



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  • Saturn


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