Origin of the name Indira

Etymologists claim that the name Indira clearly originated in Ancient India. According to one version, it originates from the god of thunder and lightning, Indra. The second option is that it comes from the word Hindu, the goddess Lakshmi, which is translated as Moon. According to the third hypothesis, it comes from the word beauty. There is another version that this is a Tatar name meaning “goddess of war.” The Orthodox do not have such a name, so the day of the angel is not celebrated. Used all over the world, in Russia the name Indira is very rare. At baptism, the owner of this name is given any other church name.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Indira

The meaning of the name Indira is “thunder”, “lightning”, “beauty”, “mighty”, “strong”, “unearthly”, “heavenly”, “lunar”, “land of the moon”, “powerful”, “charming”, “ goddess of war.”

As a child, Indira is an independent, self-reliant, kind, sympathetic girl. He studies well at school thanks to his diligence and talent. It is impossible to force her to do something against her will either at home or at school. Always defends his point of view. Her character traits do not cause any inconvenience to her parents; they just need to unobtrusively guide the girl in the right direction. Helps mother with household chores and raising younger children, loves to boss them around. She has a developed sense of justice, she will always stand up for a weak-willed person who has been offended by others. He always achieves his goal, but never listens to other people’s opinions and advice, relying only on his own experience and learns from his mistakes. As a teenager, she develops a craving for adventure and travel, which can interfere with the girl’s education.

Hardworking, smart, persistent, responsible, punctual. Indira reaches great heights in her career if the work she is doing is interesting to her. Among her colleagues, she is a leader, competent, persuasive, and a boss. She has a well-developed intuition, so no one can deceive her. Often creates a personal, successful business, mainly in the field of trade. Can become a politician, psychologist, teacher, entrepreneur, artist, photographer, dancer, actress, designer.

Indira is a graceful, beautiful, charming woman. Finds a confident, intelligent man among many fans. She doesn’t get married early, to a man older than herself, and is rarely interested in her peers. She may get married at a young age, succumbing to feelings, but such a marriage usually leads to divorce. Family for her is the most important thing in life. Indira is a wonderful housewife; if her husband earns enough money, he can quit his job and become a housewife. She is a strict, but caring and loving mother, she puts all of herself into raising worthy children, and is proud of their successes and achievements.

He finds friends like himself, strong, smart, talented. He often takes advantage of their respect and self-love for his own purposes. Therefore, Indira does not have many friends, and may not have any at all. But he perceives his loneliness as freedom.

She loves everything beautiful, luxurious, elegant, from jewelry and furs, to any little things in the interior of the house. Indira rarely complains about her health.

Name days:


Diminutive version

Indirochka, Indirushka, Indironka


Indirka, Indy, Inda

According to the church



  • green


  • Venus


  • air

Stone talisman






Totem animal


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