Origin of the name Ilgiz
The name Ilgiz is an ancient name, rooted in the ancient Arabic language. It consists of two roots: “il” – “country”, “native land”, “homeland” and “giz” – “to go”, “to travel”. Based on this, the name Ilgiz can be interpreted as “walking around the world”, “wandering around the homeland”, “traveler”.
Name variants: Ilgiz, Ilgis, Elgis, Elgiz, Elgizar, Ilgizar, Ilgizar.
Ilgiz Fazulzyanov is a world-famous Tatar jeweler. He began by making jewelry in the national Tatar style, and then moved on to Art Nouveau and Art Deco styles. He is a multiple winner of the Oscar among masters of jewelry art – International Jewelery Design Excellence Award, and has exhibited at the Moscow Kremlin Museum. Ilgiz’s works are in demand at Christie’s and Bonhams auctions.
The name Ilgiz is popular among Tatars, as well as in other Muslim countries: Turkey, Chechnya, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Iran, Palestine, Pakistan, Egypt and India. In Russia, this name is rare; it is mainly given to children in mixed marriages.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Ilgiz
Ilgiz is a cheerful and sociable child. He studies well at school, manages to play sports, music, play pranks and make some crafts. The boy loves to work with his hands; he can make stools, glue boats, and improve his bicycle. Ilgiz will involve his friends in any case, film the process and post it on the Internet. He has an innate talent for talking about the most ordinary things in an entertaining and fun way.
Ilgiz is a true joker. He is not only the life of the party, but also a welcome guest at any event. Ilgiz knows a huge number of toasts, parables, and poems. He improvises easily, does not get lost and is not shy. Even if Ilgiz says something out of place, he can turn his mistake into a joke. People are drawn to Ilgiz, they like his optimism, good mood, and kind disposition. And Ilgiz himself cannot imagine his life without communication. He gets bored alone.
But you shouldn’t mistake Ilgiz’s carelessness for frivolity. He takes life very seriously. Already in his early youth, he develops clear priorities and goals. Ilgiz strives for financial security and self-realization. It is important for him not only to earn money, but also to show himself, reveal his talents, and captivate people with his thoughts. Therefore, very often a man with this name chooses the profession of a journalist or writer. He can also become an actor, screenwriter, photographer. Sometimes Ilgiz goes into politics, he sincerely wants to make people’s lives better. But Ilgiz can connect his life with a quieter occupation: finance, law, teaching.
Ilgiz needs not only communication, but also the attention of women. He cannot live without novels, often several at the same time. If any lady does not deserve his attention, Ilgiz will persistently and enthusiastically seek it. Only a very stubborn and wise woman who will not cease to stir up interest in herself for many years can force Ilgiz to marry. One should not expect fidelity from Ilgiz, but he is a caring and attentive husband. Ilgiz adores his children, even if they were born out of wedlock. He will never refuse to spend time with them.
Name days:
February 1, September 29
Diminutive version
Ilgizik, Ilgizka, Ilgizonka
Ilya, Ilga, Ilga, Giz, Gizi
According to the church
- olive
- turquoise
- Neptune
- water
Stone talisman
agate, turquoise, moonstone
Totem animal
golden eagle