History of the origin of the name Ildar
The male name Ildar, according to onomasts, has several theories of origin. Among the ancient Scandinavians it meant “fiery warrior.” In Ancient Greece, it was associated with the name Iliodor (Heliodoros), meaning “solar gift.” If we adhere to this point of view, then, firstly, the name Ildar has diminutive variants Dora and Ilya, and secondly, the bearer of this name can celebrate name days. The last fact is due to the fact that in the name book there is the day of St. Iliodorus, which falls on December 2. According to the third version, the name Ildar came from the Persian language, in which it was formed by merging two nouns “country” and “lord”. Finally, researchers of Turkic languages give the following interpretation: “Il” in translation means “Allah”, “gift” means gate, which means Ildar means “gate to God”. On the territory of Russia, the name is found among the Bashkirs and Tatars in different variations – Eldar, Ildar.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Ildar
Ildar is an independent child; it is difficult to force him to do anything against his will. Parents and adults should understand one thing: under no circumstances should you put pressure on Ildar. A boy must be taught to be hardworking, otherwise there is a risk that he will grow up lazy. With the proper approach, he will grow into a harmonious and comprehensively developed personality. This boy is a grateful son who has cared for his parents and adult family members all his life.
Ildar is an average student, not giving preference to any subjects. He is best at foreign languages. The boy loves to read, but not classical, but modern foreign literature. For Ildar, grades do not matter; he considers self-education to be the most important. At school, he values communication with his peers more. Ildar communicates well with teachers and administration, often acting as a parliamentarian. Often a boy comes to the defense of weak and offended comrades.
Ildar is a self-sufficient person, but still he does not like loneliness. By all means, he always tries to be surrounded by friends. This fact has a negative impact on building serious relationships with girls. Ildar does not impose his opinion on others, he only delicately points out mistakes.
This man loves to work. However, he needs to change activities frequently, otherwise work will turn into a routine for him. Ildar does not have ambition; he does not need to reach career heights. If he manages to start his own business, then his business will be stable and strong.
Ildar chooses a soft girl as his wife, who can understand his character. The physical beauty of the chosen one is also important for this man. Ildar will never humiliate himself by betrayal; he expects the same from his wife. He is not a great example of a good father. Most likely, relationships with children will improve as they grow older. Ildar loves to travel, but prefers to do it in the company of friends rather than with his family.
Ildar does not monitor his health. He has been plagued by allergies since childhood. He eats poorly and has bad habits. As he gets older, he will have to see doctors more and more often.
Name days:
Diminutive version
Ildarchik, Ildarushka, Ilyashik
Ilya, Ilyushka, Darik, Elik
According to the church
- brown
- Jupiter
- land
Stone talisman
Totem animal