History of the origin of the name Igor

The name Igor is derived from the Old Norse Ingvarr (Ingvar), where the particle “Ing” means “god of fertility”, and “Varr” means cautious, careful, warlike. In the Old Russian language its meaning is characterized as “the one who protects the name of God.”

According to another, no less common version, Igor is a name of Celtic origin, related to Iger, Inger, Ingar, Ingereld, Ingergard, related not only to people’s proper names, but also to place names.

The name Igor dates back to the pre-Christian period of Kievan Rus, in particular to the Rurik dynasty. That is why in those days this name was not widespread, because it was considered the prerogative of the nobility.

The peak popularity of the name Igor occurred in the 60s of the twentieth century, although it still does not lose its relevance: young parents continue to call their newborns this interesting name.

Colloquial, diminutive versions of the name “Igor” are: Igorek, Igoryasha, Igoryusha, Igorchik, Igorusik; Grief (Mountain) Igosha, Gosha; Igorsha et al.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Igor

Angel Igor’s Day is celebrated on September 19 (name day) and June 5 (transfer of relics). Igor’s patron is considered to be the Grand Duke Igor of Chernigov, who took part in internecine wars, lost and became a monk. Igor died a violent death: he was dragged through the streets of Kyiv to the delight of the crowd. Chronicle references indicate numerous miracles that occurred at his grave. In 1150, the relics of the martyr prince, with the assistance of his brother Svyatoslav, were transported to Chernigov and placed in the Transfiguration Cathedral. The icon, in front of which Igor often prayed, became one of the outstanding shrines of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and was kept in the Assumption Cathedral.

Character traits of the name Igor

Of course, the meaning and origin of the name necessarily influence the future fate of its bearer, therefore it is not surprising that Igors are predominantly marked by great courage and belligerence, but at the same time they are not devoid of rationality and will not do anything to their detriment.

By temperament, Igor is sanguine, and therefore balanced, sociable, judicious, and self-critical. His rationality and emotions are well balanced, so these people give the impression of being objective and purposeful.

As a child, Igori usually studies well; he has a special inclination towards the exact sciences, in particular mathematics. But his good academic success is somewhat overshadowed by his not entirely good behavior: Igor’s parents are often called to school on this occasion because of their son’s pranks.

Since young Igors are quite active creatures, they are capable of achieving considerable success in sports, but here, again, excessive restlessness and impulsiveness, and lack of perseverance to achieve the goal can get in the way.

On the other hand, Igors are usually hardworking and efficient, so they achieve everything in life themselves. Success usually comes to them after thirty, since it is at this age that they become aware of their responsibility to their family and have a clear idea of ​​life.

Men named Igor are noted for their great generosity, even if it later comes out sideways. He is ready to give his last if he is sure that it will really help someone. Igors are extremely strong-willed individuals, so it is almost impossible to achieve anything from them by shouting or blackmailing. Much more can be achieved by appealing to rationalism and affection.

Men bearing this name do not like unnecessary people, although they themselves are not particularly keen on keeping their own promises.

Outwardly, Igors usually look like their mother, but they borrow their character from their father. They are soft, affectionate, pliable, but in moments of anger all their good sides are leveled out. Having come to his senses, Igor realizes what he has done and is sure to ask for forgiveness with promises to never repeat this again. True, he will remember them only until the next moment when someone or something pisses him off. In life, Igors try to be leaders, and if they fail, they get angry at themselves and at the whole world.

Igors are sociable people, they get along with people very easily, but at the same time they break up just as quickly and painlessly. In life, Igor is always guided by sober calculation and rejects everything that prevents him from reaching the top.

Igor is easy to talk to, he has a great sense of humor, so time spent in his company is always relaxing and in a good mood. But there is one significant thing: Igor is friendly and friendly only towards people he likes. If you had a conflict with him, then be prepared for a million jokes. Igor remembers grievances very well and is guided by the principle “I will take revenge and forget.”

Igors are optimistic, energetic and active people, but at the same time vain, proud and even selfish to some extent.

Choice of profession, business, Igor’s career

It is believed that young Igors may have problems obtaining higher education, since extreme restlessness and restless character prevent them from achieving success where endurance is required, but if they have already passed this stage, they become good engineers, lawyers or teachers. If not, choose the profession of a coach, driver or turner.

Igors are very contradictory personalities: on the one hand, they are stubborn, and on the other, they give in very quickly if it benefits them.

People bearing this name are very dependent on the assessment of others: they want to be constantly supported, praised and determined on their plan of action. Of course, over time, Igor will become independent, but he will carry this desire for approval throughout his life.

Igor is easy-going, which is what their managers need to remember: if you need to quickly complete some extraordinary and interesting work, then you won’t find a better candidate than Igor. These are people with fantasies, who, however, do not always know how to correctly bring them to life.

Igori has all the necessary makings to become a successful person. They are very balanced, it is difficult to anger them, they are good specialists who never panic, but always try to find a way out of any situation. Often people bearing this name are biased: they demand too much from others and too little from themselves.

The owners of this name are characterized by an analytical mind, capable of generalization, therefore in maturity they have a great chance of making a career or starting their own profitable business.

Igor’s family and love relationships

In family life, men named Igor strive for leadership, however, as observation shows, very often they completely adapt and obediently fulfill their wife’s requests. With age, Igor’s leadership qualities only intensify, but he always needs support and approval. This kind of advisory role can be taken on by a wife who will constantly support him and to whom he can tell about all his problems and doubts. A quiet wife is not for Igor. An ambitious woman whose social circle is not limited solely to home and family is suitable for this role. The best person for him is a girl with whom he can argue, sort things out and come to a logical consensus.

Igor is a good family man who always wants to go home. In the family, Igor does not refuse homework, is always ready to help, and knows how to cook deliciously. But there is a problem with raising children: Igor does not like to take care of the kids in the literal sense, that is, changing diapers, feeding, drinking, teaching rhymes, etc. In material terms, he, of course, will provide for them completely.

It is believed that ideal candidates for marriage are women with the following names: Angelina, Olga, Elena, Irina, Natalya, Oksana. A marriage with Anna, Varvara, Daria, Tamara, Galina, Yana has every chance of becoming unsuccessful.

Igor’s health

As for health, there is no clear information on this matter. Some resources claim that Igori is distinguished by excellent health until old age, others attribute numerous illnesses, both physical and mental, to the bearers of this name.

Igors are extremely active and work their asses off, so they simply don’t have time to take care of their health. Some resources claim that the weak point in men bearing this name is the liver, organs of the gastrointestinal tract and bones.

As a child, Igori often suffered from colds, sore throats and otitis media. Over time, the digestive organs become problem areas, but a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise can overcome this problem.

Name Igor for a child

The name Igor has always been traditional in the post-Soviet space. Now we are seeing a slight decline in its popularity, but many parents still continue to call their children Igor. This is not surprising, because if we summarize the character traits, family relationships and professional inclinations that are attributed to the bearers of this name, it becomes clear that men who bear the name Igor are active, focused, adequate, are noted for good health, are exemplary family men, and are characterized by the ability to make a career and achieve success. By calling newborns this way, parents strive to program them to be positive, wishing them a good fate and a cloudless life.

The name Igor was and is borne by famous people of different times: Prince Igor, Igor Grabar (Russian artist), Igor Krutoy (composer), Igor Petrenko (actor), Igor Kio (illusionist), Igor Kurchatov (physicist), Igor Talkov (singer), Igor Sikorsky (aircraft designer).

Name days:

June 18, October 2

Diminutive version

Igorek, Igorechek, Igoryasha, Igoryusha


Igoryukha, Igoryashka, Grief, Igosha, Gosha, Goga, Gotya, Igulya, Gulya, Igorka

According to the church



  • gray


  • Saturn
  • Mars


  • air

Stone talisman

agate, beryl




hornbeam, daisy, willow

Totem animal


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