Origin of the name Hamza
The name Hamza (حمز) is of Muslim origin. From Arabic it is translated as “burning”, “sharp”.
In the history of Islam, the name Hamza is associated with two companions of the Prophet Muhammad. Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib al-Hashimi was the uncle of the prophet and his foster brother. He distinguished himself in a number of battles and bore the title “Asadullah” (“Lion of Allah”).
Abu Hamza Anas ibn Malik al-Khazraj was one of the first Muslim jurists. His mother converted to Islam early, which caused a break with Hamza’s father. His stepfather Umm Saleim, on the contrary, revered Muhammad and gave the boy to him as a servant. But Muhammad treated Hamza as a son, taught and raised him with his children. Hamza subsequently took part in a number of battles. But his main activity was the establishment of Islamic legal norms. Hamza was engaged in teaching until the end of his days.
The name Hamza is revered among Muslims and is widespread in Arab countries, North Africa, India and Pakistan, as well as among Tatars, Tajiks, and Kyrgyz. In Russia it is quite rare.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Hamza
The boy bearing this name is a real man from birth. He practically does not cry, even when he falls and bleeds. He easily gets into fights with bullies who have offended the weak, even if they are twice his age and stronger. Hamza studies well at school; teachers respect him for his honesty and diligence. It is enough for parents to simply control their son’s pastime and help him choose an activity he likes. Hamza is perfect for team sports: football, basketball, hockey.
Hamza is sociable and eloquent, and easily makes friends. Nature has endowed him with a special charm; people never forget Hamza and are ready to help him in any matter without any remuneration. Hamza is also friendly; he will never abandon a friend in a difficult situation. He does not impose help, does not ask what needs to be done, but simply acts.
Hamza’s true passion is sports. He carefully monitors his form, trains, and reads books about proper nutrition. Hamza looks great and rarely visits doctors. At home he has a whole library of biographies of his favorite athletes. He can also collect autographed balls, posters, and any other souvenirs.
The love of sports can encourage Hamza to connect his life and work with it. A sports career is attractive to him, and thanks to his excellent physical characteristics, he often succeeds. Hamza can also become a sports commentator, journalist, and become interested in the development and production of sports equipment. But other directions are also open to a man with this name. Hamza is perfect for the profession of a doctor, lawyer, teacher, or police officer.
Among the girls, Hamza is looking for an interesting, mischievous laugh. Small everyday problems and worries do not interest him. Hamza’s wife should be light and cheerful, with a sense of humor and love for life. A girl who agrees to go to football matches, learn to whistle from the stands and root for his favorite team is ideal for him. In turn, Hamza is ready to share the interests of his wife and meet her friends. Hamza treats children well, he sincerely believes in the need for responsible parenthood, and spends a lot of time with children.
Name days:
May 10, November 14
Diminutive version
Hamik, Hammy
According to the church
- brown
- violet
- Mars
- air
Stone talisman
moonstone, turquoise
Totem animal