History of the origin of the name Guzel

The name Guzel and its derivatives are one of the most popular names in the Turkic languages. It is based on the root “güzel”, which translates as “beautiful, dazzling”. Most likely, this word came from the Oghuz language, which is the ancestor of many modern languages ​​of the Turkic group. Although this name is not derived from the Arabic “Gazelle,” they are so close in sound that the name “Guzel” takes on additional meanings.

“Ghazal” in Arabic is a form of lyric poem that is fundamental to Arabic and Persian poetry and greatly influenced the formation of the European sonnet. Therefore, the consonance of the name Guzel with this word adds poetry and romance to it. In addition, the name Guzel is phonetically related to another Arabic word – “ghazal”, which can be translated as “antelope” or “sun at its zenith”. All these similar but different words create an additional semantic halo around the name Guzel.

In many countries, it is customary to give the combination of the names Gazelle and Guzel to twins or the same age. The name Guzal, which is related to both of these names, is also very popular.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Guzel

As a rule, Guzel’s appearance fully corresponds to his poetic name. Even if nature was not too generous to its owner, she knows how to present herself so favorably that any flaws in her appearance only give Guzel additional charm. This is a real oriental beauty – contradictory, capricious, mysterious.

In childhood, the approval of her parents and the whole family is very important for Guzel; she is ready to become the best student at school, to work hard in sports, music, and chess, if she understands that her elders will praise her for this. She really doesn’t like to lose and show weakness, so she would rather refuse competition if she is not sure of victory.

Guzel is emotional and easily wound up, but as she gets older she quickly learns to tame her temperament and often looks correct, diplomatic and peace-loving. She has a wonderful sense of humor, although self-irony is completely alien to her. Despite her ability to control herself, the passions that boil in her soul often break out.

Despite his outward correctness, Guzel loves to slander and gossip. This does not prevent her from making friends, because she will never say anything bad to the face of even the most hated enemy. However, you should not relax with this sweet and polite lady – she has an excellent memory, and any mistake of her interlocutor will be noticed by her.

But who is really lucky is Guzel’s chosen one, since marriage is extremely important to her, and she is incredibly devoted to her husband and his family. She almost always has an excellent relationship with her mother-in-law, whom she perceives as one with her husband. She is a wonderful housewife, Guzel is one of those women who know how to turn even banal cleaning into a real holiday, with almost religious zeal creating comfort for their loved ones.

In her work, recognition is extremely important to her; if she feels that she is not appreciated, then she may stop working altogether, but everyone’s admiration for her talents inspires her, sometimes better than financial encouragement.

It’s interesting to be around her, but often very difficult, because she is very demanding of those around her, although she is ready to close her eyes to many of her sins.

Name days:


Diminutive version

Guzelka, Guzelushka



According to the church




  • Луна


  • air

Stone talisman

opal, aquamarine




sandalwood, myrtle

Totem animal


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