Origin of the name Gulshat

Many researchers are still arguing where the name Gulshat came from. Some claim that the name came from ancient Persia, others suggest that the name originated in the desert and came with tribal nomads, while others suggest that it is of Muslim origin. One thing remains certain: Gulshat is a name for a woman from the East.

Most scholars still insist that the female name Gulshat comes from the Persian language through a phonetic transformation of two words. However, there are no exact facts about this version of origin. Just like there is no confirmation that the female name Gulshat has Kazakh roots and it was formed from the ancient times of the nomadic peoples of the steppe.

The name could have come to Tatar culture as a result of borrowing the way of life, customs and religion of the people in ancient times.

The female name Gulshat is common in Central Asian countries, such as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. In Russia, the name is common among representatives of the Tatars, mainly in Tatarstan and adjacent regions.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Gulshat

The first variant of the origin of the name Gulshat is Persian. Presumably, it was formed from the merger of two Persian words: “gul” – flower, “shat” – cheerful, joyful, mischievous. As a result, it turned out that Gulshat is a “cheerful flower”, “a flower that brings joy to everyone.” However, the sophisticated residents of Votok insist on using their translation – “flower of joy”.

If translated literally, it turns out that the name Gulshat means “beautiful and cheerful.” There may also be a similar version.

One of the interesting versions of translation is ancient mythology. According to Arab myths, a “ghoul” is a werewolf that lives in the desert and feeds on fresh flesh. Persian and Turkic mythology also speaks about this. These creatures, according to legends, turned into people (charming young girls) and hunted them. Often, tired travelers could not distinguish the ghoul and found themselves victims of the dangerous and beautiful. Perhaps those who managed to save their lives and returned to their native lands told legends about beautiful girls who lived in the desert.

Gulshat has a characteristic character

Gulya’s childhood was cheerful and mischievous. But in adolescence, her future ardent character begins to take shape. However, this does not always happen. At a time when her peers run away from home and quarrel with their parents, Gulshat is calm and prefers to spend time alone. At these moments, she begins to understand herself and partly the world around her. It instills prudence and ambition. She understands what she wants from adult life and sets goals for herself.

In adulthood, Gulshat strives to quickly break away from parental care and begin to live her own life. She becomes independent and gets used to relying on her intuition, which, fortunately, does not let her down

Responsibility, hard work and the desire to realize themselves help Gulshat in developing herself. She treats all people with a bit of warmth and understanding of any situation in which they find themselves. Strive to help everyone and everything. Often, he joins the ranks of volunteers and is engaged in social work. A sincere kind heart and compassion are inherent in such natures as Gulshat. At the first call of trouble, she breaks down and runs to help. Self-criticism puts her in an awkward position, but Gulshat cannot overcome herself. She needs to learn to be less serious and critical of both herself and others. Give free rein to your feelings and emotions and be less afraid of people.

Family and love relationships Gulshat

For Gulshat, just like for any Eastern woman, love plays an important role in life. For her, this is the basis for starting a family. Gulshat loves confidence and complete openness among members of the opposite sex, so she chooses her future partner with special care. Men must show their desire to create strong relationships and interest in her, as in a future chosen one, during the entire time of meetings and general acquaintance. If all this is not there, then there can be no talk of any life together. However, for that man who was able to conquer the soul and heart of an oriental beauty, Gulshat will become a faithful wife and an excellent mother for future children. In marriage, Gulshat is tender and romantic with her husband, always supports and helps him. Gulshat is an excellent housewife; her house is always warm, cozy and comfortable. For children, she is the standard of femininity and beauty. She teaches her daughters all the features of housekeeping and caring for themselves, and for her sons she becomes a faithful friend and advisor in matters of behavior with girls.

Career Gulshat

The creative streak has been in her since childhood; she always tries to realize her talents. And Gulshat undoubtedly has talents. She can become successful in the fine arts, poetry, pedagogy or sociology.

Due to her lively, but rather modest character, Gulshat will not strive to win the pinnacle of fame and satisfy her career ambitions. Hard work and commitment can make her an outstanding employee of the company, but she will not go over her head. The professions of a secretary, administrator, and consultant will satisfy the girl and bring only positive emotions into her life.

Health Gulshat

Having strong immunity and health, Gulshat never complains about her health. She is in excellent physical condition and carefully monitors her appearance. Likes to arrange fasting days and detoxes. You should take into account weak points in the body – the spine, spleen and throat.

Name Gulshat for a child

Eastern blood flows in Gulshat’s veins from birth. Therefore, from early childhood she grows up to be a brave and lively girl. Gulya is a real wind-up toy, she doesn’t sit still for a minute. He constantly persuades his peers to undertake desperate undertakings, and is often a leader among the guys. No one will be bored, Gulshat will always cheer and cheer everyone up.

Gulshat has a neutral attitude towards studying. She does exactly what is asked of her, no more, no less. She doesn’t chase good grades, she won’t be an excellent student, only if she really wants to. But Gulshat always has a desire. If it comes to performing or organizing a concert, then Gulya is right there. And he will complete the task “excellently”. It’s just a pity that such a score won’t count.

Loves spending time with animals, caring for and protecting them. Also, little Gulya loves to watch trees and small insects. She is drawn to nature with incredible strength, everything is interesting and fascinating to her.

Name days:

are not celebrated, since the name is not in the lists of church calendars

Diminutive version

Gulshat, Gulka, Gulenka, Gulshatka, Gulshadia, Gulshad


Playing, Huka

According to the church

There is no church name in Orthodoxy


  • violet
  • purple


  • Луна


  • water

Stone talisman

cat’s eye, emerald, pearl





Totem animal


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