History of the origin of the name Gulnara

Gulnara (emphasis on the second syllable) is a female name of Persian origin. Initially it had the form of Gulnar. From Farsi it is literally translated as follows: gul – “flower”, anar – “pomegranate”, that is, “pomegranate tree flower”. According to one version, the Persians called adonis, a plant with bright yellow and red flowers, “pomegranate flower,” so the name Gulnara can be translated as “adons.”

The short form of the name – Gulya – is also used with a number of other similar-sounding names. Gulya is one of the names of the goddess of healing among the ancient Babylonians. In addition, Gul – in Persian, Turkic and Arab mythology – is an evil werewolf.

Various variations of the name are popular in Central Asia. Gulnara is the Crimean Tatar form of the name, the Kazakhs call their daughters Gulnar or Gulnar, the Uzbeks – Gulnora, the Tatars – Gelnara. Gulnar is translated from Kazakh as “like a flower, flowery, blooming.”

Meaning and characteristics of the name Gulnara

Phanosemantic analysis of the name Gulnara characterizes the owner of the name as a courageous, strong person, but at the same time simple. Letter analysis characterizes Gulnara as mysterious, attentive to details, with good intuition, artistic, conscientious nature. At the same time, she is a timid, vulnerable and petty person.

Little Gulnara is an active, lively and cheerful child. The girl is very emotional, sociable, cheerful, loves outdoor games. This is a very gifted child with artistic abilities, but there will be problems with perseverance. Due to her increased activity, Gulnara can be inattentive, but her remarkable memory often helps her out. The girl is seriously involved in sports, choosing sports where artistry is important: rhythmic gymnastics, dancing, figure skating. Gulnara is in good health, but suffers from a tendency to be overweight.

Adult Gulnara easily adapts to any circumstances. She is not afraid of changes and extreme situations. But she never breaks the rules or breaks the law. She is characterized by devotion and constancy. This applies to loved ones and the field of activity. With age, she becomes calmer, copes with her emotions more easily, and develops determination and perseverance.

This woman is demanding in relationships, she needs attention and care, and can be capricious. She is charming and temperamental, knows how and loves to flirt. The man who is next to her must be strong, successful, charismatic; it is important for her to be proud of her loved one. Gulnara will be a devoted and loving wife to such a life partner. The bearer of the name is friendly, she is responsive, kind and sociable.

Gulnara is a generator of ideas, which she herself brings to life. Sets global goals and persistently achieves success. He chooses an activity he likes and works for pleasure. The owner of the name is valued at work – she is diligent, hardworking, and has organizational skills. Sometimes she can go with the flow, but in general she is no stranger to ambition. She can build a brilliant career.

Name days:


Diminutive version

Gulnarochka, Gulnarushka, Gulnaronka, Gulnarchik, Gilechka, Gulyushka, Gulenka, Gulenochok


Gulnarka, Gulya, Gulka, Gulnaria

According to the church



  • pale yellow


  • Луна


  • water

Stone talisman





water lily

Totem animal


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