Origin of the name Greta

The name Greta (or Gretta) has recently become independent, but has long been used as a diminutive form of the names Margarita and Gretchen. Both of them came to modern European languages ​​from ancient Greek, which, in turn, came from Persian.

The Persian root morvared, meaning “pearl,” was transformed into “margarites” in Greek pronunciation. In the Greek cultural tradition, pearls were associated with Aphrodite, one of whose titles was Margaritos, as a sign of which sailors sacrificed pearls to the foam-born goddess.

The abbreviation “Greta” was practically not used in Russia and Greece, although it was very popular in many Western European countries, especially in Germany.

The fact that in his famous tragedy “Faust” Goethe named the protagonist’s beloved Gretchen added an additional romantic aura to the name Greta.

At the end of the nineteenth century, the name gradually became independent and complete. The dazzling success of Greta Garbo contributed to the popularization of this sonorous name throughout the world. In Russia, the name Greta is still very rare.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Greta

Greta is romantic and mysterious, she is always surrounded by a veil of mystery, although her life is often quite prosaic. Little Greta is so immersed in the illusory world of fantasies and dreams that she often lives in two realities at the same time. Due to her excellent memory and good logic, she is, as a rule, an excellent student, although much of her knowledge can be very superficial; she knows deeply only the subjects that are truly interesting to her. Where she lacks information, she often uses her imagination, adding to her own taste the boring paragraphs of the textbook.

Very often, Greta finds herself in science, where her memory, imagination and logic come in handy.

In a team, she is often a leader, but she gives in without much struggle if a more persistent contender for power appears. She knows how to be diplomatic, but if this is not necessary, then Greta is quite straightforward in her statements. However, this is more sincerity than tactlessness; Greta does not like falsehood and manipulation; certainty in everything is very important to her.

In love, she is devoted and is ready to break any rules and laws for the sake of her lover. Greta often becomes a jealous wife, but she tries very hard to hide her feelings for fear of offending her partner.

It’s hard to call her an ideal housewife, because despite her ability to cook well, she doesn’t do it very often, preferring to dine at a restaurant. She can clean her home until it shines, but maintaining order regularly is boring for this dreamer.

Greta is a very caring mother, she spends a lot of time with her children, although they often do not live up to her expectations. She is so confident in the incredible talents of her children that when they turn out to be ordinary children, she experiences disappointment and even resentment.

Greta doesn’t like to travel too much; she has enough impressions in her own cozy chair, but when she arrives in a new place, she easily fits into an unfamiliar way of life.

Name days:


Diminutive version

Gretka, Gretta



According to the church



  • white
  • pink


  • Pluto


  • fire

Stone talisman

opal, amethyst




flax, dandelion, mistletoe

Totem animal


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