- History of the origin of the name Gregory
- The meaning and characteristics of the name Gregory
- Character traits of the name Gregory
- Family and love relationships of Gregory
- Choice of profession, business, Gregory’s career
- Gregory’s health
- Name Gregory for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Gregory
Gregory is a male name of Greek origin (gregoreo), which means “I don’t sleep”, “I watch” (literally: the one who doesn’t sleep is awake).
Due to the fact that many men who became famous for their deeds during the era of the formation of Christianity as a religion bore this name (St. Gregory the Theologian, St. Gregory the Great, Gregory the Wonderworker), it is now associated with a metaphorized image of an ideal Christian.
In Rus’, the name Grigory was used quite often, as evidenced by many derivative surnames formed from it (Grigoriev, Grigorishin, Grigorchuk, Grishin, Grishaev, etc.).
Since the name at one time was noted for its great popularity, it is natural that a number of abbreviated and diminutive variants appeared and functioned: Grisha, Grishenka, Grishanya, Grishunya, Grigoryushka, Grigorya, Gorya and the like.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Gregory
Angel Gregory’s Day is celebrated several times every month, for example, only in January 5 times: January 1, 14, 18, 21, 23.
Who is Gregory?
It is not possible to answer this question unambiguously, since in Christianity the name Gregory is associated with several saints at once: the early Christian saint Gregory the Wonderworker, Gregory the Illuminator, Gregory the Theologian, Gregory of Nyssa, each of whom invested a part of his life in the cause of spreading faith in Christ.
Thus, Gregory the Wonderworker presented the doctrine of the triune God; Gregory the Illuminator is a holy martyr, thanks to whom Armenia adopted Christianity at the state level; Gregory the Theologian – one of the Fathers of the Church, an associate of Basil the Great; Gregory of Nyssa – theologian and philosopher, bishop.
Each of these saints is still revered today.
Character traits of the name Gregory
Since it is no secret to anyone that the name leaves an imprint on a person, influences his worldview and destiny, it is not surprising that the key character traits of a man bearing the name Gregory are activity, determination, persuasiveness, caring, and confidence in his rightness.
Like every child, little Gregory is marked by activity, restlessness, a desire to learn everything new, openness and even naivety. Awareness of one’s own “I”, the understanding that some thoughts should never be spoken out loud, will come to a man with time and experience.
At school, Grigory strives for knowledge, but he does not know how to concentrate on one thing, but is scattered on many different things, so the guy often fails to complete any of them properly.
Gregory is impulsive and even daring; it costs him nothing to enter into an argument, speak out against everyone and purposefully and persistently prove his opinion – if necessary, even with the help of his fists. Of course, not everyone likes the swiftness of young Gregory, so at an early age he acquires enemies. However, it would be unfair to say that Gregory has no friends: of course, he has them, but the guy chooses them among people who could balance his hot-tempered character, restrain him in a critical situation, advise or even scold him. Ruthless and tough towards enemies, with friends Gregory becomes reasonable and capable of compromise.
For a person named Gregory, it is very important to have a goal in life. Only the goal makes him come to life, break out of everyday life, do reckless things, but still reach the top. The problem with the name is that very often Grigory cannot set priorities on his own; he needs outside advice, a clear and persistent push to action, which can be organized by true friends or his beloved woman.
By nature, Grigory is a maximalist, which has both positive and negative sides: if in his youth, going to extremes, perceiving the world in black and white tones causes a condescending smile, then in a more mature age it is fraught with big problems. It is believed that an adult should be able to manage his feelings and emotions and judiciously assess reality, but Gregory does not always succeed in this. However, a man who has reached the top, fully realized in life, over time acquires much-needed character traits: successful Gregory turns a blind eye to the mistakes and antics of others, strives to help or give advice.
Grigory is a melancholic person, therefore, having become carried away by some idea and quarreling with everyone regarding the ways and means of its implementation, he suddenly becomes indifferent and detached. And it is important that at such a moment there is a person nearby who will support, console, and prevent you from falling into depression.
Grigory is a very suspicious person, so the opinions of others are very important to him both about his appearance (by the way, he is noted for his neatness and subtle sense of style) and about his mental abilities (Grigory wants to be praised and appreciated).
Family and love relationships of Gregory
Gregory is a very powerful, confident and even willful man, so he chooses a life partner who would not contradict him, but would be calm, balanced and submissive.
Grigory does not tolerate jealousy, mistrust and betrayal, therefore, suspecting something is wrong, he loses self-control, breaks down and provokes violent scandals. After some time, Gregory clearly realizes what he has done and asks for forgiveness, assuring that such a situation will never happen again, but he very quickly forgets his promises.
The ideal life partner for Gregory will be a woman who will strive with all her might to avoid conflict and will not give the slightest reason for jealousy or mistrust.
In love relationships, Gregory is a freedom-loving person, so he does not tolerate any restrictions. He takes the initiative, strives to independently solve all family problems, and manage the budget alone. Usually Gregory decides to marry late, because he first wants to thoroughly study the character of his future wife, weigh the pros and cons, and analyze the prospects and reliability of the relationship.
A strong-willed woman, as domineering and impulsive as he himself, is absolutely not suitable for Gregory. A family in which the husband and wife strive to play the role of first violin is doomed to failure.
Gregory is not henpecked, and therefore will not allow himself to be controlled under any circumstances: his chosen one must be smart enough and at the same time calm enough to push Gregory to certain actions, at the same time giving him the confidence that this is his own sole decision.
Usually Gregory is a good family man who adores children and is capable of doing anything for them, but carefully hides his feelings. He is strict and fair, treats his family with respect and demands the same attitude towards himself.
It is believed that Gregory’s marriage with women who bear the names Julia, Maria, Anna, Vera has every chance of becoming ideal. It is risky to start serious relationships with Evgenia, Nina, Victoria and Natalia.
Choice of profession, business, Gregory’s career
Self-sufficient, stubborn and determined, Gregory has every chance to achieve success in any field, but preference should be given to the one in which success depends solely on himself. By nature, Gregory is a hermit who finds it quite difficult to establish constructive relationships with colleagues, so when choosing a profession, you should definitely take this fact into account.
Gregory is a man with a sharp mind and the ability to analyze, so he will be a clever businessman, a careful engineer, and a talented scientist. In order to achieve success, Gregory should direct all his efforts in a single direction, and not work, scattering himself on solving small and insignificant problems, because over the little things you can forget about the main thing – the goal.
Grigory’s impulsiveness at a young age leads to sharp turns in his career, because his unwillingness to put up with other people’s shortcomings and to defend his own opinion at any cost often do him a disservice. Only a mature, balanced, reasonable and balanced Gregory has every chance of achieving success in business.
Gregory should not rely on intuition, because it often lets him down, so he should approach financial matters carefully and not look for easy money or direct ways to achieve success.
Gregory’s health
Different sources have different assessments of Gregory’s chances of contracting one or another disease: while some endow the man with great health, others attribute to him many illnesses.
All resources unanimously state that Gregory’s melancholic type of temperament makes him vulnerable to depression, from which it is quite difficult for a man to get out of it without outside help.
But there is no consensus regarding the risk of contracting other diseases. Thus, there is information on the Internet according to which “summer” Gregory is vulnerable to skin diseases and stress; “autumn” – suffer from heart disease and often have problems with blood pressure; “winter” – often complain of problems in the digestive system, risking cholecystitis or pancreatitis; “spring” – have problems with the musculoskeletal system, are susceptible to joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis).
In general, it is believed that Gregory can catch all these diseases in adulthood, but is in good health when he is young.
Name Gregory for a child
Gregory is an original and unique male name, which, unfortunately, is now practically falling out of use. However, given that the fashion for ancient names very often returns, we hope that the name Gregory will regain its once-won positions.
This name of Greek origin is widespread not only in the Slavic language space, but also far beyond its borders. So, the English equivalent of the name is Gregory, the Italian – Gregorio, the German – Gregor.
The most famous bearers of this name, in addition to the Church figures mentioned above, are: Grigory Shelekhov (researcher of Siberia), Grigory Orlov (favorite of Catherine II), Grigory Chukhrai (film director), Grigory Myasoedov (painter), Grigory Magistros (scientist), Gregory Peck ( actor).
Name days:
January 1, January 8, January 14, January 18, January 21, January 23, February 7, February 12, February 23, March 6, March 17, March 25, April 15, April 19, April 23, May 3, June 1 , June 6, June 28, July 13, August 21, August 22, August 31, September 10, September 12, September 20, September 22, September 28, September 29, October 11, October 13, November 4, November 20, 27 November, November 28, November 30, December 2, December 3, December 6, December 7, December 8, December 11, December 20, December 23
Diminutive version
Grishanya, Grishunya, Grishulya, Grishenka, Grishechka, Hrynyusha, Grigoryushka
Grisha, Grinya, Greg, Gregor, Grishuta, Grishuha, Grinyuha, Gora
According to the church
- Saturn
- fire
Stone talisman
cypress, narcissus
Totem animal