Origin of the name Gloria

The history of the name Gloria dates back to the times of Ancient Rome. During the reign of Emperor Claudius, there lived a famous philosopher and physician of that time. His fame thundered throughout the entire empire. He literally worked miracles. He raised incurable patients to their feet, returned seriously wounded gladiators to the arena, and healed entire settlements from epidemics. However, he was deeply unhappy; he could not cure his wife of infertility.

One day, a slave came to the philosopher from a workshop located next door and dared to speak to him. The slave told him that he had seen a dream-sign in which, according to interpretations according to the customs of his people, the doctor should give secret alms. And then the holy heavens will give him the long-awaited child.

The doctor decided to build a hospital and treat slaves in it. In conditions of the strictest secrecy, evading people’s gratitude and the discontent of the authorities, the first hospital for slaves was built. And a year later his daughter was born. Her happy parents gave her the name Gloria, which meant “glory.” The ending in Gloria’s name “ria” means Syria in Latin. So the doctor immortalized the Syrian slave who interpreted the dream to him.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Gloria

The name Gloria is very sonorous and energetic, and at the same time, harmoniously combined sounds give it tenderness and iridescence. With its energy and the meaning of “glory”, it conveys a life-affirming, persistent, victorious attitude to the bearer of the name. As a rule, these individuals are bright, self-confident, delightful and exciting.

Their emotionality depends on the circumstances. Sometimes, these are imperturbable ladies, with a touch of arrogance and chilling coldness. But sometimes these are “Italian lords” – passionate, irrepressible, capricious. These are excellent actresses who try on the image according to the circumstances. Sensual and subtle. From the sublime touchy-feely to the cynical bitch. They skillfully manipulate their talents and often use them while moving up the career ladder.

Speaking about her career, it is worth mentioning that Gloria is always on top. These are leaders, talented managers and impeccable performers. They have high intelligence, erudition and bring any professional skills to perfection. Such women do not know how to “work with their elbows.” Their methods are professionalism and hard work. This may be why they are quite demanding of others. Glorias are quite hardy and stress-resistant. These are absolute perfectionists, convinced that the ideal can and must be achieved.

Crossing the threshold of the house, these women are transformed into domestic, cozy and economical ones. Excellent wives are sympathetic and sensitive friends to their husbands. Caring mothers. Motherhood brings into their lives both new feelings and new tasks in order to bring them to perfection.

Despite the diversity of nature of women named Gloria, one thing remains unchanged. The name gave them its power. Fame is something large-scale, all-encompassing and limitless. Gloria is always success, triumph, victory. It’s not for nothing that global brands use the prefix “Gloria” in their names.

Name days:

10 of August

Diminutive version

Lorik, Lorushka


Glor, Laurie, Laura

According to the church



  • blue


  • Venus


  • fire

Stone talisman






Totem animal


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